<![CDATA[Dr John A. Briggs <br />Naturopathic Healthcare. - Blog]]>Tue, 04 Feb 2025 23:21:31 -0800Weebly<![CDATA[Good Ground]]>Tue, 26 Nov 2024 20:20:18 GMThttp://drjohnabriggs.com/blog/good-ground    Last Wednesday morning after the election, as I flew to Texas for the Heritage of Faith Ministers Conference, I couldn’t help but get excited to see what kind of healthy changes to expect in our nation.
    With the out of control pharmaceutical influences we’ve had to put up with, it will be refreshing to not be intimidated and coerced into dangerous experimental treatments the likes of the Covid vaccine and the multitude of injuries we’ve seen as a consequence.
    Having patients who lost their jobs due to the illegal mandates forcing them to quit, and the resultant financial burdens they’re now dealing with breaks my heart. It’s now time for healing.
    Being involved in the medical community, doesn’t mean I have to embrace the radical damaging protocols out there. When I see my own profession embracing trans ideology it saddens me to think that even the noble profession I’ve been honored to pursue for the last 44 years would turn it’s back on Godly principles.
    While in Texas at the ministers conference I had the privilege to share nutritional wisdom with many from around the country, and the world concerning how to care for the body. The majority of illness we see comes from what I like to call, sins of omission or sins of commission. In other words, not putting in the body what it requires or putting in what shouldn’t have been there in the first place.
    We live in a society in which toxic elements are found in the air, water, and food. This is why being selective in what we ingest is important. Eating primarily organically raised food is greater insurance of getting those required nutrients, while avoiding the toxic ones.
    I’ve recently been dealing with a couple cases of breast cancer. In these cases it’s important to identify the cause. The two anti-oncogens in healthy tissues have to be destroyed before these tissues can become cancerous. This can be from radiation resulting from mammograms or from toxic elements consumed or created in the tissues due to a condition of bitterness. Obviously, if it’s from the latter one, true forgiveness is required to allow for restoration.
    With what we’ve endured for the last four years, it’s important we shake off any hostilities and engage in a spirit of joy. Proverbs 17:22 says that a merry heart does good like medicine but a broken spirit (or a broken heart) dries up the bones. What this implies is important as our bones contain marrow, which makes blood. This is where the B cells of the immune system are produced. Can you see where bitterness and a broken heart can dry up your bones and cripple your bodies ability to defend itself from illness? Your very immune system will fail to defend you in this condition.
    In August we traveled to Wisconsin to tour Standard Process again and take in the beautiful 900 acres of land on which our nutritional supports are grown. I got to witness what 14 inches of topsoil looks like. The technology embraced in the protection of the land and close attention to putting back residual from the production of these amazing supplements further strengthened my love for this company and those who’ve cared for it over the last 95 years.
    So many times I deal with issues where creating a solid foundation is primary. In cases like joint deterioration, I like to get patients using our joint supports like Ligaplex II and Glucosamine Synergy. These are excellent at bringing in the foundational nutrition for these areas. Laying down a foundation like Catalyn which is the multivitamin first created in 1929 is important for anyone as we just don’t see the complexity of nutrition in any other multi out there. Six a day can assist any condition out there. The Ligaplex, because of the DNA components in it should be taken on an empty stomach to avoid the DNA from being broken down by the digestive juices in the stomach.
    Your body is the vehicle which you occupy while on this earth. How you care for it determines what kind of ride you enjoy while here. People are quick to spend ten dollars a day at Starbucks, but reluctant to spend their finances on taking care of their body. Making a commitment to put healthy elements in your body can go a long way toward a long healthy life. I’m happy to say that turning 73 feels no different than 25, because I’ve been diligent at nurturing my Spirit, Soul, and Body.
    Thankfully these amazing nutritional supports are available here. drjohnabriggs.com  
<![CDATA[Fat Wars]]>Mon, 06 May 2024 17:57:08 GMThttp://drjohnabriggs.com/blog/fat-wars    In my last article I was emphasizing on the importance of both vitamin D and vitamin F. These are fat soluble vitamins and require proper digestion and absorption. The vitamin D is an omega 3 fatty acid and the vitamin F is an omega 6 fatty acid. Both kinda of fat are critical for good health.
    In the omega 3 fats we have the DHA and EPA fats. These are critical for the protection of our tissues, and due to so many fears of fat in the diet, are often extremely deficient.
    The DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) is a primary element found in the brain and the nerves of the body. When missing, there is often times of mental distress. During the first three months of life, this is one of the most critical elements required for the development of the brain and nervous system.
    DHA is extremely high in breast milk. Unfortunately here in America where fatty fish isn’t eaten as often as other countries, the DHA in American women’s breast milk is among the lowest in the world. Researchers found that children with ADHD and ADD were less often breast fed than children which were breast fed. Baby formulas are completely void of this nutrient.
    When this low fat, no fat insanity was pushed in our country, DHA consumption plummeted, resulting in greater challenges in brain growth and development among the young. Because of this, over the years there’s been a decline in mental function, and increase in attention challenges among our kids.
    Instead of addressing these challenges with the appropriate brain building and stabilizing nutrition, the pharmaceutical establishment has resorted to using Dexedrine, also known as Ritalin, which is actually speed. The mechanism which is used here is to wear out the brain and create a false sense of stability. Issues that can occur from taking this drug includes:  numbness, pain, tingling, or cold feeling of the hands or feet. Any sores or wounds on the fingers or toes. Heart attacks, strokes, and sudden deaths have happened in adults taking Dexedrine (dextroamphetamine tablets). Sudden deaths have also happened in children with some heart problems or heart defects.
    In a 2016 PubMed article on DHA and Brain development this is what it said: “Since the endogenous formation of DHA seems to be relatively low, DHA intake may contribute to optimal conditions for brain development. We performed a narrative review on research on the associations between DHA levels and brain development and function throughout the lifespan. Data from cell and animal studies justify the indication of DHA in relation to brain function for neuronal cell growth and differentiation as well as in relation to neuronal signaling. Most data from human studies concern the contribution of DHA to optimal visual acuity development.”
    The number of benefits of DHA are exhaustive. Unfortunately the consumption of good fats has been demonized by the food industry, and the alternatives to good nutrition have been minimized. If you expect the food industry to have your health in their best interests, think again. It’s all about convenience and the dollar.
    EPA, or eicosapentaenoic acid (not the environmental protection agency), is actually a systemic protection nutrient. This omega 3 fatty acid is excellent for reducing inflammation in the body. The combination of EPA and DHA are beneficial in reducing the LDL known as the bad cholesterol, and raising the HDL or good cholesterol, thus protecting the heart and cardiovascular system. Quite obviously, the use of the Ritalin and it’s potential cardiovascular damage is increased when the patient is already omega 3 fatty acid deficient.
    As noted in the PubMed article above, visual acuity is affected in low levels of DHA. When I see little children with thick glasses it makes me wonder about the optic nerve development in the womb. If the mother was severely omega 3 deficient durning gestation, was the nerve development in the eyes impaired? We like to accuse genetics for this kind of damage but is this really the cause?
    When advising expectant mothers on prenatal nutrition, the use of a good omega 3 supplement or the use of fatty fish in the diet is just one part of developing a healthy child. So many birth defects can be avoided if we just use common sense and eat a diet which delivers all the essential nutrients required for proper development.
    Cod liver oil has the full omega fatty acid profile including the vitamin D if it’s not been pasteurized. If it has, chances are synthetic vitamin D has been added. Salmon oil is good for the DHA and EPA but no vitamin D. If DHA is the most needed of supplementation, as in cases of ADD and ADHD or dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, Tuna Omega oil from Standard Process is one of the richest sources, and is one of the cleanest of oils, without heavy metals seen in other oils.   
    Thankfully these amazing nutritional supports are available here. drjohnabriggs.com    
<![CDATA[First Pride, then the crash!]]>Mon, 06 May 2024 17:51:19 GMThttp://drjohnabriggs.com/blog/first-pride-then-the-crash    I’ve often talked about the mind/body connection. It’s tragic what’s happening in our world. Our thoughts will predict our actions. What we focus on eventually manifests in the flesh.
    Today’s generation has been duped into thinking that following perverted thoughts and deeds is the in-thing, and required to fit in.
    When I was away from home in boot camp, I wanted to find where I fit in. I got involved in rodeo and the rodeo crowd. Because of that I started drinking and using snuff. These acts weren’t what I grew up with, but I wanted to fit in. Eventually I got separated from that crowd but I still enjoy rodeo.
    Mental health is critical to physical health. How we think impacts our physical bodies. Our younger generation is being pulled in too many directions, hoping to find acceptance.
    When stores and various venues promote perverted lifestyles, it doubles down on this already wrong thinking. Thankfully there are those in the world who aren’t willing to compromise truth, and are speaking out with their pocketbooks. I love the saying, “Go woke and go broke” This is happening to businesses like Disney, Budweiser, as well as stores like Target.
    I’ve not found it hard to avoid these places, and vote with my wallet. The mental and emotional health of our kids goes beyond just the foods they eat and the supplements they’re given. When Sesame Street begins to force elements of doubt and deception over our children, we need to be proactive at guarding them from harm. Monitor kids shows and limit exposure to toxic material.
    It’s bad enough our school system has been indoctrinating our youth with wrong ideas, but these are invading our homes through media which used to be safe and innocent. Our kids are impressionable and it’s our job as parents to guide and protect them while they’re maturing.
    The physical health I’m attempting to improve in my patients is directly impacted by the thoughts they embrace. The hypothalamus I’ve talked about before is where we modulate our thoughts into physical response. With adults, the stresses we encounter just living daily life is enough to impact our endocrine and autonomic nervous systems.
    When we introduce conflicting information to children, the foundation that’s been laid gets challenged. The cerebral cortex is where reasoning takes place and is then acted on by the hypothalamus. When the ability to reason is impaired, and conflicting data is being consumed, the outcome is bound to be distorted. Drugs can’t fix this.
    When basic nutrients like the essential fatty acids are deficient, we can experience what would look like a short circuit in an electrical application. The myelin sheath of the nerves and the foundational fats of the brain require DHA which is found in Omega 3 fatty acids. These are in one of my favorites like cod liver oil, and especially in tuna omega oil.
    If you can imagine the outcome of stripping the insulation off electrical wiring and what the outcome would be. That’s essentially the interference we see when these fatty acids are missing. The use of trans fats in the diet as seen with hydrogenated fats, strips the insulation off the nerves, leaving the brain and nervous system vulnerable to challenges.
    The use of junk foods for our kids can leave them more vulnerable to suggestions which they otherwise would question. Here’s one area we can be proactive in the mental and emotional health of our kids. Because of the long half life of these hydrogenated fats, the change isn’t seen over night.
    It’s critical to restrict hydrogenated fats from the diet completely while getting the high DHA fats into the system. When this is adhered to, changes in behavior can usually be seen around day sixteen as this is the average half life of these bad fats.
    When dealing with ADD and ADHD, often times this is the one greatly beneficial treatment to aid in improved brain function. Since these good fatty acids are critical to proper hormone balance, the gender confusion which groomers are counting on can be dramatically reduced. Every hormone our body produces begins with fats. Wrong fats, impaired hormone balance.
    Because the maturation of the brain depends on this DHA, the Omega 3 fatty acids are a primary nutrient during pregnancy and after as a means of maintaining high DHA levels in lactation.
    Since my ability to think is critical to my practice, I consider the use of my cod liver oil to be primary to the foundation of healthy practice. I always want a clear, uncluttered mind at all times. The ability to think clearly and concisely is important to me and especially to you.
<![CDATA[INDEPENDANCE! You will rely on something, Make it Jesus]]>Wed, 28 Feb 2024 21:57:26 GMThttp://drjohnabriggs.com/blog/independance-you-will-rely-on-something-make-it-jesus    I wrote this article last year and feel the message is ever so critical today. We’re losing our freedoms and are being invaded at the welcome of a corrupt administration. Our votes are more important now than ever.
    Freedom which costs little or nothing is rarely worth fighting for. When I served in Vietnam, I realized the cost as so many failed to make it home. Because of this, my love for our country and our flag exceeds that of so many who have never experienced tyranny.
    Our founding fathers were willing to give their lives to protect and preserve freedom. Today, so many have had everything they desired handed to them. For this cause, many are willing to sacrifice the freedoms they have for a fairy tale.
    This morning I am writing this while waiting for the Independence Day parade down main street. I think of all the freedoms we enjoy and the sacrifices which gave us this freedom.     There are many kinds of bondage and slavery we can be subject to. If we consider the bondage a diabetic endures, that’s just one area of bondage. How about the drug addict who is enslaved to drugs, or the alcoholic in bondage to their habit.
    When my wife and I were out golfing over the weekend we were paired with a couple young men (I can call them young because I was the oldest one in our foursome), and as always, the conversation went to the issue of health.    
    The one said his mother had been on a whole load of pharmaceutical drugs, and every time she had a reaction to one of them, she was put on another to cover the symptoms of the first. This woman was far from free in many ways. For one, it was costing a fortune, and secondly she was getting sicker and sicker.
    Thank God for a son who inspired her to begin to change her diet, seek alternate choices, and wean down from all those drugs. He noted she’s now on only one medication and actually feeling human again. This woman has tasted freedom, but it cost her. She had to make changes and seek a healthier lifestyle.
    Often we see where the degree of sacrifice to obtain freedom influences our tenacity to keep it. This is why so many veterans will gladly stand and reverence out flag when it passes, even if they have to get up out of a wheelchair. The greater the sacrifice the greater the love of freedom.
    It’s frustrating to see where we only dedicate one day to our freedom from European tyranny and yet can dedicate a whole month to sexual perversion and immorality. My saying this may irritate some, but the majority of my readers will say “Amen”.
    When I get patients in my office, I realize they are interested in achieving freedom in their health, or understanding how to keep the freedoms they have already received. My goal is to assist everyone in living the abundant, overflowing life Jesus paid for.
    Freedom comes in many appearances. We need to be free from chemical dependance as in pharmaceuticals. Free from mental and emotional bondage. (My neighbor took his life just a couple months ago due to the mental demons from combat). And we have to be free from Spiritual bondage.
    For many, the difference between mental/emotional, and spiritual bondage sounds the same, but they are two totally different areas. This is one of the reasons I believe health care needs to address these areas. If not, tragedies like that of my neighbor occur. In a way, being a compassionate and caring doctor means I have to not just address the physical ailments, but to pastor my patients at the same time.
    Getting free entails understanding where you’re in bondage. An alcoholic won’t seek help until he understands he has a problem. In cases like this, until that happens, they will not hear anything a caring person says. Those caught up in the LBGTQ+ bondage, will not seek help until they realize they have a problem. Usually that comes too late as the suicide rate in this population is extremely high. Here is where the spiritual health is poor.
    Getting free, Spirit, Soul, and Body requires sacrifice. Spending time in God’s word involves giving of your time. Getting physically healthy involves avoiding those tasty toxins, getting adequate rest, staying properly hydrated, breathing good clean, (smoke free) air, and getting adequate exercise and activity.
    Many times, getting and staying free means rejecting many of the things that have ruled our lives forever. That can be a real battle. Winning that battle is something to celebrate.
    He that the Son sets free is free indeed!!!  Remember the one who give you true freedom.
<![CDATA[Guard your heart]]>Wed, 28 Feb 2024 21:43:02 GMThttp://drjohnabriggs.com/blog/guard-your-heart    Conditions of the heart seem to be on the rise. This fits both with physical as well as emotional. The issues we face today of people outraged over wars in our world as well as heartless destruction of the unborn and the mutilation of kids, calling it gender affirming care, are all conditions of the heart.
    If true love ruled our world, none of these issues would be present. Unfortunately that isn’t the case. When it comes to the blood pump in our bodies, there’s been increasing challenges and an emphasis on heart diseases.
    Our hearts never get a break. It’s the hardest working organ in your body. Other muscles get to relax while we sleep, but the heart keeps on working whether we’re awake or asleep. Even in a coma, the heart continues to move life giving oxygen and nutrition throughout our bodies.
    Because of this, worn out heart cells are replaced more frequently than others except for stomach cells, which live in a very hostile environment. These cells are renewed daily.
    Because heart cells are made new every 30 days, the need for appropriate materials to restore and build new cells is much greater than other cells in the body.     
    For this very reason, heart weakness tends to be the most specific indicator of a nutritional deficiency in the body.
    Dr Royal Lee realized that if the function of the heart could be monitored by the sounds of the heart, he could observe the effects of nutrition on the heart, and in turn, the entire body. As a very successful inventor, he created a machine called the Endocardiograph. He began selling it to physicians in 1937. This machine amplified and recorded both audible and inaudible heart sounds.
    By identifying disruptions in the normal rate, rhythm, and tone of the heart, he was able to see improvements in these areas after giving the appropriate nutrition. These changes often came within minutes of giving the proper nutrients.
    Over the years, these machines became scarce, as many of the old docs who used them passed away without passing on the wisdom. Teaching on use of the Endocardiograph had pretty much vanished. Years later an updated version was created called the Acoustic Cardiograph. With this being created, there was renewed teaching available on how to identify nutritional deficiencies and treat them observing heart sounds. I acquired one of these years ago and used it till the emergence of the newer Heart sound recorder, which has taken this technology to a whole new level.
    When deficiencies go unaddressed over long periods, it’s assumed there will be degenerative changes like enlargement of the heart, coronary sclerosis, valvular damage, and many others as the machine (heart) is overloaded. In these cases, the person will be more susceptible than normal to infections, colds, and relapses of chronic conditions, and reduced vitality.
    An interesting note is that when Dr Royal Lee created the Endocardiograph, his primary nutritional support was Catalyn, the product he developed in 1929. He found that in 1933, fifty out of one hundred people had a heart, being deprived of certain necessary materials. With this, he noted that addressing these deficiencies, the person would be able to work harder, think clearer, and live longer.
    Now, mind you, that was 1933. With the denaturing of foods, the use of petrochemical fertilizers, pesticides, and food storage which depletes nutrition, fifty out of one hundred would be pretty good today. Unfortunately, we’re seeing a major health crisis which chemicals can’t fix. The lame attempts of synthetic vitamins will never match nutrition from real foods. Devitalized foods will never replace the real thing. And now we see drugs trying to correct the results of starvation.
    So what’s a person to do in today’s world? Not everyone can plant and tend a garden. Having the space and healthy soil is a challenge. Most of us find ourselves challenged with even having enough time to grow healthy food. Having a community with people producing healthy foods can be a real health saver. I have a farmer where I obtain health beef and my chickens give me good free range eggs. I plant a small garden, but I can’t produce enough food for a year.
    Because of all of this, just adding six Catalyn daily has the potential of laying a good sound foundation. Because of other nutrients being stripped from our systems due to added sugars, preservatives, and bad fats, I have to look at what other elements are required. Living where there’s not enough UV rays of the sun to create vitamin D in my system all year is why I insist getting my Cod Liver oil in daily. With the stress factors encountered while still working, I make sure to get my Cataplex B daily along with any others the heart sound recorder shows to be missing.
    We don’t have to allow our heart and organs to go without. A good place to start is to take six Catalyn every day. You can order direct from Standard Process at my website. drjohnabriggs.com
<![CDATA[Feed your endocrine glands]]>Wed, 28 Feb 2024 21:36:53 GMThttp://drjohnabriggs.com/blog/feed-your-endocrine-glands    Thyroid deficiency is one of the most common of conditions and often either missed, ignored, or improperly treated.
    levothyroxine was isolated in 1914 by Dr Kendall before the FDA existed. It’s assumed he had a patent and had a licensing agreement with Squibb Laboratories at that time. Squibb sold levothyroxine to treat patients with hypothyroidism in 1916 or 1917, even before the FDA existed. When the FDA was created, levothyroxine was grandfathered in.
    In the 1950s, a British pharmaceutical company developed a method to make synthetic thyroxine no longer extracted from pigs. The FDA accepted it because they already had grandfathered in the natural product extracted from pigs. The FDA never asked for safety testing or effectiveness of the synthetic levothyroxine.
    Since that time the discussion of which works best in the patient has continued. Many say the natural extracted from pigs can’t be counted on as there’s no consistent levels of both T3 and T4. Then there’s the concern that synthetic fails to fully restore function.
    With the use of synthetic T3 which is much more powerful than T4, but with a shorter half life there’s the concern of over driving the heart and creating palpitations and tachycardia. These two issues need to be considered when doing any supplementing with thyroid, either natural or synthetic.
    In desiccated thyroid extract, we have 4 molecules of T4 to 1 of T3. Our thyroid contains a different ratio. It's like 14 to 1. There's an idea that perhaps the desiccated thyroid extract could give a little bit too much T3. If a patient takes, let's say, 100 mg of desiccated thyroid extract, T3 levels will increase. 3 hours later there will be a T3 peak. Experts think there’s insufficient data on safety for these peaks of T3. A concern is if a patient takes desiccated thyroid extract for life, could these peaks of T3 be a problem with the heart or bone? This has been a historical concern.
    There were 20 randomized clinical trials comparing synthetic (T4 and T3) combination therapy with natural thyroid, and the effectiveness and safety was identical. There were no more adverse reactions in the combination therapy as opposed to desiccated thyroid.
    There were two clinical trials using desiccated thyroid extract, and they didn't find more adverse reactions as compared with synthetic thyroid. There was a commercially sponsored, multicenter clinical trial with desiccated thyroid extract published at the American Thyroid Association meeting last year, showing again there were no more adverse reactions with desiccated thyroid extract.
    With all this information, I’ve seen over the years patients who responded better with the synthetic and those who did better on the natural thyroid in the form of Armour or NP thyroid over the Synthroid.
    In all of this, the main question needs to be asked, why do we need to replace the function of one of our endocrine glands? What would cause this organ to fail in suppling what our body needs? Why would any organ of our body not do what it’s designed to do?
    The answer is usually as obvious as the nose on our face. If you starve your dog, it will fail to fetch when you tell it to. Our body has specific nutritional requirements. When those basics are ignored and the organ is left to starve, production and function will drop off.
    When the thyroid is starved of nutrition, which includes iodine, it might just enlarge in an attempt to create a big enough factory to make levothyroxine. This is called a goiter. Iodine is the primary mineral which comprises thyroxine and triiodothyronine. When this is withheld from the diet your thyroid cannot keep up with production.
    Years ago, iodine was added to salt since so much of the nation was suffering from goiter. Unfortunately due to cardiovascular reasons, doctors began to limit sodium intake, cutting out the salt, resulting in lowered thyroid output. Adding to that, many fail to eat sea food and miss iodine which is there.
    Because Japan relies heavily on the ocean for their food, the iodine intake of most Japanese is far higher than here in the USA. That being said, obesity in Japan is much lower than here. Another issue is that of iodine requirements elsewhere in the body.
    Breast tissue requires iodine, and it’s been seen that the larger the mammary glands, the greater the iodine need. Because of this, it’s seen that larger breasted women tend to suffer from thyroid deficiencies more often unless they include adequate iodine in their diets.
    The incidence of breast cancer in Japanese women, eating a traditional high seafood diet is much lower than those not getting adequate iodine in the diet.
<![CDATA[The Boy Scout motto, Be Prepared!]]>Wed, 24 May 2023 17:15:51 GMThttp://drjohnabriggs.com/blog/the-boy-scout-motto-be-prepared    With what appears to be a total intent to destroy our way of life, what can we as individuals do to maintain our freedom, prosperity, and health?
    Entities like the World Health Organization (which is the farthest thing from actually being there for our health and welfare), are already planning for the next pandemic. Seeing the cheesier cat grin on Bill Gates face when talking about it suggests he’s in it for gain. He made billions on Covid, it’s no wonder he’s thrilled at the prospect of more death and destruction.
    Since we don’t have major leverage in dealing with what’s coming down the pike, getting our house in order is something we can actually be proactive at.
    I’m not a Mormon, but the idea of having a well stocked pantry with non-perishables isn’t a bad idea. If you have the room to do so, gradually stocking up on food every week can be a real life saver.
    Having a back-up of your nutritional supports, especially if they’re critical for neurological or cardiovascular support would make sense. Should the country go through draconian measures as before, shutting down businesses, having back-ups in all these areas makes good sense.
    Having a generator and some gas to run it can help keep your freezer and refrigerator running for a while. Investing in some of these things over time can put you in a safer place should the “you know what” hit the fan.
    When considering your own health and your families health during times of contagious illnesses, one of the first areas to take care of is probably the last you may think of. The majority of your immune system resides in your gut. When your digestion and elimination are compromised, you’re more vulnerable to disease.
    Constipation creates a hostile environment within your body. At times like this, it doesn’t take much to fall ill to many diseases. The proper bacteria in your intestines acts to create critical elements necessary to digest and absorb vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and fats. When this balance is upset, the rogue bacteria generated here actually creates toxic elements which then stress your liver, which is a major defender against illness.
    Since the liver is a foundational organ involved in immunity, combined with the spleen, thymus, and bone marrow, creating or absorbing toxins from the intestines into the liver compromises your bodies ability to defend against disease. Most liver challenges originate from the intestines.
    There are lymphatic organs in the small intestine called Peyer's patches. These are round, thickened areas of tissue located in the mucosa of the intestinal lining. Inside of the patch are a cluster of lymph nodules, filled with white blood cells. The surface epithelium of Peyer's patches is overlaid with specialized cells called M cells. When the internal health of the intestine is compromised, this part of your lymphatic system can become paralyzed.
    Maintaining health here involves all the basics of good nutrition. Adequate clean, non chlorinated water, foods with soluble fiber, adequate stomach acid, and chewing your food completely is foundational. Not eating when stressed is also very important in maintaining good intestinal health.
    To keep your digestive health secure, consider the need for adequate vitamin A. Your mucous membranes along with all your skin cells requires adequate levels of vitamin A. At the end of the 19th century, researchers found that if they restricted foods rich in vitamin A from animals they quickly developed sinus and ear infections. We all know the eyes require vitamin A as well to make rhodopsin, which drives the rods and cones in the retina.
    So, how do we stockpile vitamin A that won’t go bad? One of my favorite sources of vitamin A just happens to be good old Cod Liver Oil. This has been known for it’s immune protection for many years, but unfortunately many have dismissed it, due to not liking the taste. Thankfully, I’ve been getting a very good source of cod liver oil from Standard Process which is in perles. This form prevents it from going rancid. It’s available to order through my website. I take three daily to help with my vision, immunity, and for good brain function.
    This cod liver oil has vitamin D as well which is an important element to assist calcium uptake and to fight against viruses. Our ancestors knew the importance of using cod liver oil to protect against disease long ago. Unfortunately people haven’t listened to our patriarchs and matriarchs when it comes to staying healthy.
    If you want to stock up on the right elements like Immuplex, which supports the liver, spleen, thymus, long bones, vitamin C and D, and cod liver oil, you can do so by logging in to my web page and ordering on line. Sometimes we get a run on things here.  https://drjohnabriggs.com
<![CDATA[Shingles belong on your roof, not your back!]]>Wed, 24 May 2023 17:08:07 GMThttp://drjohnabriggs.com/blog/shingles-belong-on-your-roof-not-your-back    One of the most painful conditions I’ve ever treated is that of shingles. This viral attack on the nerves and skin which results in inflamed patches of skin is a direct result of the chicken pox virus. This virus settles into the dorsal root ganglia of your spine, and resides there till conditions are ripe to erupt.
    Many people suffer this condition repeatedly through their lives. To many, their relief is found in the use of L-Lysine. The reason this works is found in the action of this essential amino acid and it’s role in calcium metabolism. The outbreak is one way the person can be made aware of what’s actually happening in their calcium utilization.
    The role of ionizable calcium in the control and elimination of viral attacks is essential, and L-Lysine is instrumental in the bodies ability to use calcium. L-Lysine helps to assure absorption of calcium, which is critical for among other things, bone growth.
    L-Lysine helps in the formation of collagen, the protein which makes up the matrix of bone, cartilage, and other connective tissues. This conversion is mediated and regulated by real vitamin C as found in nature, not in high potency ascorbic acid formulations. This is something I wrote on last week.
    Since L-Lysine is one of the eight essential amino acids, it has to be consumed. The body can’t make it. Since this is found in all high protein foods like chicken, fish, beef, eggs, cottage cheese, liver, beans, and milk, vegans and vegetarians, who fail to obtain good raw proteins for their diet have greater problems with deficiencies of this amino acid. I have nothing against vegetarianism, but I do have a problem with nutritional deficiencies caused by fad diets, which leave out essential nutrients required to maintain healthy function.
    Maintaining proper utilization of L-Lysine requires complementary minerals like chromium, zinc, iodine, sodium, and of course calcium. Interestingly enough, the herb comfrey is rich in L-Lysine. For this reason the term “bone knit” for this herb is explanatory as to the action of creating the matrix within which the body can install the calcium to strengthen and repair bones. Unfortunately this herb which has been used for centuries has been black listed by the FDA. Could this be because it works?
    Shingles show up in many forms as the herpes virus. This can range from the cold sores that plague people to the genital herpes seen as a contagious sexually transmitted venereal disease. Flare ups can come from many potential causes. Excessive vitamin D from exposure to UV B rays without adequate vitamin F to maintain calcium in the tissues opens the door to outbreaks.
    Interestingly enough, lack of L-Lysine can lead to feelings of helplessness, fatigue, nausea, dizziness, anemia, and depression. These emotional stressors deplete stores of this amino acid, eventually exposing the tissues to this virus, which remains under control when nutritional adequacy is maintained.
    The herb St John’s wort, also known as Hypericum, is used to increase and preserve levels of serotonin. This is the neurotransmitter involved in calming and relaxing the system. Besides it’s role in calming the system, Hypericum has anti-viral activity against what’s known a envelope viruses, of which the herpes virus is.
    So we see many areas which can trigger the outbreaks of this virus. Adequate vitamin D is required to insure calcium absorption. A good source of ionizable calcium is required to defeat all viruses. A rich source of polyunsaturated fats (vitamin F) needs to be consumed to insure tissue calcium. Proteins not denatured by overheating to provide all the amino acids like L-Lysine and Methionine, as the latter is depleted by excessive supplementation of L-Lysine. Methionine is very specific to healthy liver function and the yolk of eggs is a good source. (One of the reasons I add raw eggs to my morning smoothie).
    L-Lysine assists in dealing with hypoglycemia. It’s essential for the binding of co-enzymes Pyridoxal Phosphate, Lipoic Acid and Biotin to enzymes. A lack of this amino acid can cause destruction of the electric current carrying fibers which over time can impact muscular integrity. This can go to every extreme including cardiovascular function.
    When treating a person for herpes infections, I’m looking at systemic function which has been compromised. This is why just taking a vaccination to deal with shingles is like turning up the radio in your car hoping that because you’re not hearing the bad noises from your failing engine, all is working correctly. Your complete nutrition is critical to prolonged health.
<![CDATA[Calcium, the #1 mineral]]>Wed, 24 May 2023 17:04:54 GMThttp://drjohnabriggs.com/blog/calcium-the-1-mineral    More on the importance of calcium for optimal health. Calcium is the dominant mineral in our bodies, making up much of the strength of our skeleton. Without it, you couldn’t stand up and walk. Besides that, the contraction of muscles is mediated by calcium.
    The ability of your white blood cells to defend you from infections and disease is highly dependent on bioavailable calcium. Many of the calcium supplements available are in forms which aren’t easily digested and assimilated into the tissues.
    For this reason, many who are taking the big box brands of calcium are throwing away their resources and actually creating harm to their bodies.
    A cataract is calcification of the lens of the eye. So, why do these issues arise? We see that calcium must be held in suspension so it can reach the locations needed. This is accomplished by the mineral phosphorous. An imbalance between these two minerals can create problems.
    Your bones have a perfect balance of both calcium and phosphorous. This is critical to maintain the living aspect of your bones. This applies to your teeth as well. Too much phosphorous and the teeth begin to dissolve and deteriorate. This is a huge challenge created by soda pop, high in phosphoric acid.
    The proper balance between calcium and phosphorus is regulated by the parathyroid glands found on the back of your thyroid. These little glands help regulate the balance of calcium and phosphorous in various situations, involving bone growth in childhood and in the repair of fractures. Damage to these little glands can result in challenges regulating serum calcium, muscle contraction, tissue repair, blood pressure, along with many other critical functions our our system.
    This is just one example of how one very small gland or organ can affect the entire body. Your bones depend highly on proper function from this gland, and messing with it’s neighbor, the thyroid can greatly impact metabolic function. Not just the rate of your metabolism.
    A man’s prostate depends on having plenty of calcium in it. To achieve it, this organ is one of the richest in polyunsaturated fatty acids. When these fatty acids are lacking from the system, the prostate loses calcium and begins to swell up. The problem may not be realized until it swells to the point of restricting the flow of urine.
    The need for these polyunsaturated fatty acids in our diet goes far under stated. These fatty acids known as vitamin F are responsible for delivering calcium into the tissues. This is critical in many areas, not just when dealing with conditions of benign prostatic hypertrophy (enlarged prostate), but in dealing with muscle cramps (charley horses), Immune deficiencies, cardiac weakness and irregular heart beats.
    This is a nutritional element I rely on constantly in my office with amazing results. I have a dear friend who was dealing with prostate challenges where the only way to pass urine was to be catheterized. The use of vitamin F and calcium lactate has given him back his freedom. Now I hear he’s shared the information with five other men suffering swollen prostates who are now experiencing relief. The ability to touch lives and improve them without even seeing the patient is a blessing.
    The issue of appropriate calcium, which is easily absorbed and assimilated is huge. All too often we see people taking supplements with calcium carbonate in them. This is limestone. Not digestible or assimilable to any real extent in our bodies. I’ve found that calcium lactate is truly what our bodies desire and can use without dumping excess into the joints, or kidneys, resulting in stones created there or in the liver and gallbladder doing the same.
    Absorbing minerals, especially calcium and iron requires a healthy stomach, which creates an adequate amount of hydrochloric acid. When this is interfered with, absorption is impaired. This is a major reason why acid blockers have the waring of osteoporosis. If you can’t put money back in the bank, you eventually go broke. Your bones are the calcium reserve for all muscular function and your immune back up. When calcium levels in the system go low, your bones have to release calcium reserves to run on. Eventually bone structure becomes compromised and the bones collapse.
    When I evaluate the strength of heart contractions I have to take into account what’s available in the way of calcium. Elevated blood pressure can be a direct result of not being able to access calcium into arterial muscles so they can relax. Both calcium and it’s assistant, vitamin F can be essential in assisting a person to fully relax and enjoy life. This includes the ability to sleep restfully.
    Vitamin D is essential, but without both calcium and vitamin F you may be missing out.
<![CDATA[A D in school is bad. No D in you is worse!]]>Wed, 24 May 2023 17:02:26 GMThttp://drjohnabriggs.com/blog/a-d-in-school-is-bad-no-d-in-you-is-worse    So, what do breast cancer, prostate cancer, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, osteoporosis, cervical cancer, and pancreatic cancer all have in common? Lack of sun exposure!
    Multiple studies have shown the incidence of these conditions occur during months with little sunshine, and latitudes where there’s reduced sun exposure. Even skin cancer, which many slather up with sun screen to avoid, can be related to reduced levels of vitamin D and it’s helper, vitamin F.
    Knowing how important vitamin D is for protection from so many cancers and damaging conditions, it can be dangerous without the rest of the story, so keep reading.
    Vitamin D in it’s activated form is responsible for the uptake of calcium into circulation. UV-B rays from the sun converts cholesterol in the skin into cholecalciferol. This is the parent form of vitamin D. This is converted in the liver into calcidiol, which is in turn converted into calcitriol in the kidneys. This is the active form of vitamin D, and ounce for ounce is the most powerful chemical substance in our bodies.
    This form of vitamin D is responsible for maintaining the one percent of your bodies calcium which is available in the blood. If this calcium is unable to enter the cellular structure, overuse of vitamin D can actually do harm. This is where the medical establishment says you can get too much vitamin D.     
    So, how do we protect ourselves if we get too much vitamin D? This is where the need for the polyunsaturated fatty acids are critical. Dr Royal Lee back in the 30’s described what we call vitamin F, which is responsible for delivery of ionized calcium into the cellular structure. Just as too little vitamin D can create damage, too little vitamin F is equally damaging, as without it too much vitamin D from either supplementation or from extreme sun exposure can pull the calcium out of the tissues.
    I’ve relied on Cataplex F now for many years to deal with toxic sun exposure, often seen as rashes and hives from being out in the sun, as well as for issues like prostatic hypertrophy and prostate cancer often seen in areas of increased sun exposure, where the consumption of these polyunsaturated fats are either not consumed or not absorbed.
    If the blood loads up with calcium from sun exposure or over consumption of vitamin D and there’s no vitamin F to deliver it into the tissues, blood can become thick, elevating blood pressure. Tissue calcium deficiency can result in muscle cramps and spasms, narrowing blood vessels.
    In areas with increased sun exposure and deficiencies of vitamin F, there’s greater incidence of HPV virus issues and cervical cancer. Just as vitamin D deficiencies can lead to this, low levels of vitamin F can be just as big an issue.
    Another issue seen with low vitamin F is that of flare ups of herpes viruses. Shingles can often occur more during the summer months when vitamin F is lacking and sun exposure increases vitamin D levels. Cold sores are also increased in these times.
    I’ve referred to the immune triad in the past, which is ionizable calcium (calcium lactate), Cataplex F, and vitamin C. These are critical in fighting any infection in the body. Although critical, if we fail to pick up calcium into the blood with vitamin D, all is for naught.
    When I see highly elevated serum calcium on a blood test, I have to determine the source. If the person is deficient in vitamin D to absorb the calcium from the gut, the parathyroid glands can secrete parathormone, which increases the uptake of calcium from the bones in order to keep systems of the body running like the heart. When this happens, the 99% of your calcium supply in the bones is tapped in order to live.
    This condition of elevated parathormone will eventually lead to osteoporosis unless adequate levels of vitamin D is consumed. Just as plants photosynthesize, mammals use the sun to irradiate the cholesterol in our skin to make vitamin D. Animals have fur which protects them from the rays of the sun, and the fur has cholesterol in it that is converted to vitamin D. When the animal licks it’s fur, it’s orally getting the cholecalciferol from the fur and then converts it in the liver and kidneys.
    Often times, lower body pain and fibromyalgia are a byproduct of vitamin D deficiency. The muscle pain experienced by those on cholesterol blocking drugs can be due to interfering with the transmission of cholesterol to the tissues or due to the damaging of the liver’s ability to convert the cholecalciferol into calcidiol.
    Depression during the dark days of winter can be greatly due to reduction of vitamin D. For this, I fully rely on the cod liver oil from Standard Process which has not been pasteurized, as those cod liver oils have no vitamin D, or are fortified with synthetic vitamin D.  https://drjohnabriggs.com