Flavus is Latin, meaning yellow. Riboflavin got it’s name due to the color of it’s pigment when reduced. It’s original name of vitamin G was given by Dr Joseph Goldberger in 1915, who discovered pellagra, and mistakenly gave the name to riboflavin when it belonged to niacin or B-3. We will talk about this one next week. The combination of these two along with B6 make a powerful combination to correct many areas of function where the system can’t relax to function properly. The product I rely heavily on for these issues carries the name of Cataplex G for the riboflavin that it contains.
Because the milling of cereal grains resulted in massive losses of all the B vitamins, the food and drug administration had to impose regulations to fortify food. Since all nutritional value had been destroyed, marketing these dead, worthless elements as food was wrong. Unfortunately, those elements used to fortify foods aren’t functional foods at all, but instead, highly refined chemicals. Due to their chemical structure they mimic the real thing in structure, but fail to function correctly since they’re not, nor have they ever been alive. For this reason, foods which should contain high nutritional content, carry deceptive labels claiming to contain adequate amounts of vital nutrients, all the while they’re loaded with lifeless chemicals that meet a number designated by the government. If a supplement is food based, it’s alive and readily received by the body, containing all the complex elements required for metabolism. If not from food, it’s a drug, and incomplete.
Some of the symptoms of deficiency includes: abnormal sensitivity to light, itching and burning eyes, cataracts, cracks at the corners of the mouth, sore and burning tongue, oily skin and hair, premature wrinkles on the face and arms, and splitting nails. Riboflavin, or as I like to refer to it, ‘G’ factor, is essential in correcting a rapid heartbeat and or elevated blood pressure.
When referring to G factor, I usually include B-3, B-6, Choline, Betaine, Inositol, Folic Acid, and Para-amino acid, as these work synergistically in the body. Together they are nerve relaxing, blood pressure lowering, and excellent in aiding the digestive system. With poor production of hydrochloric acid, spastic gall bladder and poor fat metabolism, these are extremely helpful.
The levels reported in most stress vitamins actually increase stress on the entire body. Nowhere in nature do you find these in the amounts found on your typical vitamin bottle label. A B-50 stress vitamin with 50 milligrams of all B vitamins will indeed mess up your system. Since stress is one of the biggest buzz words today, it’s no surprise our adrenal glands are fried. The G factor is one area specific for reviving the adrenal glands along with real vitamin C.
If you suffer sleep difficulties with your whole body or limbs jerking on falling asleep and can hear your heartbeat in your ear while lying on your pillow, chances are great that you are deficient. Taking One a Day or Centrum will not correct this. It’s a nutrition issue.
The ‘G’ factor is heat labile. This means it’s destroyed by heating. This is why many foods which should contain these nutrients are void of them from the process of cooking or in high heat milling. When Standard Process creates whole food nutrition, foods are liquified then put under a couple atmospheres of vacuum at which time addition of heat causes the water to boil off at a very low temperature, leaving the vital structure undamaged. This is one reason I’m not impressed by slick labels on various brands of supplements and their claims, and I stick strictly to the intelligent wisdom of Dr Royal Lee in creating whole food nutrition that works.
My favorite whole food support calling for ‘G’ factor is the whole food product known as Cataplex G. Cataplex is a term used to describe a whole food nutritional complex. This and others are only available through holistic doctors like me who have studied the genius of Dr Lee.