Helicobacter Pylori was first cultured in 1982, and been the focus of stomach, esophageal, and duodenal ulcers since it’s discovery. The usual way of treating this condition involves two antibiotics along with either a proton pump inhibitor like Prilosec or Nexium which suppresses production of normal hydrochloric acid or a bismuth compound like Pepto-Bismol.
As often as this treatment has been successful in knocking out H Pylori, there are often side effects of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, yeast overgrowth, and digestive upset to name just a few. With this therapy, beneficial bacteria required for proper tissue function are dramatically reduced, instigating more systemic problems.
It’s thought the H Pylori bacterium weakens the protective mucous lining of the stomach and first part of the small intestine allowing hydrochloric acid to leak into the sensitive tissues below. The combination irritates these tissues leading to ulcer formation.
A study out of Japan revealed that getting rid of H Pylori tigers a marked increase in the hormone Ghrelin, which is a powerful appetite stimulant. This commonly leads to problems of excess weight gain.
Close to half the population carry H Pylori in their gut. For most, it’s harmless, for some it’s dangerous, as 3% of carriers may develop gastric cancer, and to some, it’s actually beneficial. Since family history plays a role in cancers, just how much is directly connected to H Pylori? Unfortunately, the why’s far outnumber the known aspects of this bacterium.
The biggest question is whether the H Pylori is the cause of digestive issues, or a result of conditions already existing. For example, we have a massive garden of bacteria on our skin. No problem! If that bacteria breaches the skin barrier and allowed inside the tissues, we see infection resulting. Is the ulcer the result of the bacteria, or is the bacterial influence now present due to the ulcer?
Although H Pylori is considered the cause of ulcers, studies have shown that people who are stressed are twice as likely to develop ulcers. Moderate physical activity cuts the risk of ulcer in half compared to those of no physical activity. Alcohol irritates the stomach lining, and smoking increases the volume and concentration of acid in the stomach. Ulcers have more causes than just H Pylori.
Vitamin C is protective to the stomach and reduces negative influences of H Pylori. The flavonoids found in brightly colored fruits can inhibit gastric damage. The B vitamins also are capable of maintaining the appropriate pH of the stomach mucosa.
When we look at the health of all mucous membranes, vitamin A is critical to maintain the integrity of the tissues, and when absent open the door to issues of leaky gut syndrome. Besides vitamin A, other fat soluble nutrients are critical in maintaining the integrity of these tissues. Vitamin E complexes, with all the appropriate elements contributes to muscle tone of the stomach as well as the mucous membranes health.
Calcium is required for dealing with inflammation and repair of stomach lining as well as the nerves that serve the stomach. Probiotics help to restore healthy bacteria which can crowd out the negative bacteria.
Cabbage juice is a common standby to heal stomach ulcers along with potato juice which can occasionally bring immediate relief. Okra has been seen to help prevent H Pylori from sticking to the stomach wall. This is why one of my favorite helps is Okra Pepsin E3.
Okra Pepsin is available through our clinic, and is a primary standby for gastrointestinal issues regardless of location in the digestive tract.