First, it’s ridiculed
Second, its fiercely and violently opposed.
Third, it becomes self-evident
Opposing the Cholesterol myth has caused holistic doctors to be ridiculed and eventually fought by the masses. Now the facts are revealing the self-evident truths. We were right!
Have you been scammed?
Until a drug was created, healthy cholesterol levels were significantly higher on blood profiles. These statin drugs presently rank among the best selling drugs in history, taken by 13 million Americans and 12 million others. In 2006 alone, sales were 27.8 Billion Dollars.
Regardless of the massive distribution of statin drugs, CDC statistics show no changes in age adjusted percentage of coronary heart disease, stroke, or other heart conditions. Statistics show those on statins have a shorter life-span than those not using them.
The cholesterol scam is one that has taken our country by storm. The hoax goes this way: Cholesterol = Heart disease. This is total fallacy! A quote by Dr George V Mann MD, Co-director of the Framingham Heart Study, and Professor of Medicine and Biochemistry at Vanderbilt University: “Saturated fat and cholesterol in the diet are not the cause of coronary heart disease. That myth is the greatest scientific deception of this century, perhaps any century.” (and Dr Michael Gaeta adds, “Second only to the vaccine scam”)
Your body manufactures cholesterol if the diet fails to deliver enough to maintain healthy levels. The typical 150 pound man makes about one gram of cholesterol a day. When we consider it’s role in creating and maintaining cell walls, the total body content should be around 35 grams. The typical daily dietary intake in the U.S. is somewhere in the range of 200 to 300 mg. This leaves the body needing to manufacture the balance.
When we consider the average unmedicated blood cholesterol level to be 220 mg/dl, it’s truly a marketing ploy to move the goal to under 200 mg/dl. This forces the healthiest of people to take a dangerous drug, loaded with a multitude of side effects.
About 50% of the cholesterol which gets excreted, gets reabsorbed into the blood stream. This is a protective function which maintains healthy levels of cholesterol for cell wall synthesis, Vitamin D and bile production, Adrenal and Sex hormone production, as well as brain and nervous system support. This stuff is important!
Cholesterol intake in your food has little if any effect on blood cholesterol or total body cholesterol. Under normal circumstances we eliminate up to a gram of cholesterol into the colon. With adequate soluble fiber in the diet, excess cholesterol gets cleared appropriately.
Dr John Abramson MD (Harvard Medical School) and James Wright MD (University of British Columbia) wrote in the peer review journal the ‘Lancet’ 6/20/2007: “In support of statin therapy for the primary prevention of this disease in women and people aged over 65 years, the 2001 US National Cholesterol Education Program guidelines cite seven and nine randomized trials, respectively. Yet not one of the studies provides such evidence.”
When medical doctors in both the educational and treatment ends of health care can look at what’s cited as evidence of benefit and see no benefit, but actual harm, why are we continually lied to about the wonderful benefits, especially when in reality there’s more harm than good? Could it have something to do with greed over creed? When we take the oath to “Do No Harm,” we should take accountability for knowing the truth. Unfortunately, as physicians, the detail man from Big Pharma comes to your office, and only tells you of the wonderful benefits of their poison. How many doctors fail to look any further?
What’s not being communicated to the public about these wonderful statins? How about a 48% increase in the risk of diabetes if on statins for five years. This was reported in the Archives of Internal Medicine. Besides diabetes, statins have been shown to cause cancer, nerve and muscle damage, depression, suicide, dementia, memory loss, and lastly, what they're trying to prevent, Heart failure! Isn’t that special?
Benefits of high cholesterol: Long life (reduction in all cause mortality), Reduced infections, Less allergies, less cardiovascular disease. Reduce your cholesterol, why?