If you’re seeking biological correction from a medical establishment which relies on chemical intervention, you’ll be dispensed drugs created by the pharmaceutical industry, which forces the body to respond, even when it doesn’t contain the nutrients to do so. This ultimately results is collateral damage, known as side effects.
So, how do we prevent getting to the place where we become reliant on these emergency treatments, placing us in danger of this collateral damage?
First, get to know yourself. For many, it’s hard to recognize what feeling truly good is like. If this is the case, it’s likely you’re carrying an overload of metabolic toxins, interfering with your body’s ability to self regulate metabolism and repair.
Cleaning up the system is one of the first things that should be considered if you really don’t know what it’s like to feel alive and healthy. Many people struggle through their existence never truly feeling this wonderful feeling of enjoying life. To clean up the system, I have relied on a purification protocol from Standard Process which employs both a modified fast, (which is composed primarily of vegetables and fruits) and the use of nutritional supports which aid in clearing the liver, digestion, and both bowel and kidney elimination.
Knowing how good it feels after cleaning out and organizing your garage or house, it’s kind of the same concept. Your body functions far easier without the clutter which can accumulate over years of either poor nutrition or sloppy lifestyle.
My inspiration for writing this article came after communication from a patient who presented to the ER with gallbladder pains. They identified stones but no inflammation or infection. Their solution was to remove the gallbladder even though it wasn’t in danger. Knowing the importance of this small organ, she refused to let them remove it and contacted my office to find out how to save the gallbladder and restore healthy function.
This is just one example of how our medical delivery system has failed us. If she had allowed the hospital to remove her gallbladder, she would lose the ability to concentrate bile so it could be released into the small intestine to emulsify fat and to maintain the health of the bowel. The surgeons job is to cut, and they are good at it. When it’s needed, that’s when we see the almost magic they perform. There’s a time and a place for responsible surgery.
Cleansing the body so it can perform at a higher level takes some diligence and commitment. The purification protocol isn’t all that easy, but the rewards are great. Once the body has been relieved of obstruction, we can evaluate what essential nutrients may have been missing, and address these needs.
With more people shifting to a ketogenic diet in hopes of improving their health, many have jumped in after a really lousy diet filled with simple carbohydrates. Correcting the diet with the desire to get healthy and lose weight is admirable. If carbohydrates have been abused for a long period of time, it’s very possible to have created both liver and gall stones. In many instances these may not have created any issues yet. The consumption of increased fats will increase bile flow, and potentially block the bile duct.
Before going from a lousy diet to a ketogenic diet, I would advise you do some systemic cleansing first to avoid the ER visits. Besides doing the purification protocol, there is a gallbladder cleanse that can help to flush the liver, gallbladder, and common bile duct when stones are present.
To a holistic physician, a biological imbalance looks either like an overload of inappropriate elements or a deficiency of critical, necessary nutrients. Treatment is focused on clearing waste and providing good nutrition.