In all aspects of life we see manifestation of harvest from our actions. It’s absurd to think nothing comes from nothing. Disease states come from various issues we’re faced with and how we handle them. Good health doesn’t just happen, it manifests due to proper planting of the correct seeds. Seeds of nutritious foods, water, sleep, exercise, fresh air, and healthy attitudes.
With so many potential causes of cancer, it always shocks me when a patient tells me their doctor suggested surgical removal of an organ because it could become cancerous. If it were me, I’d flippantly suggest he have his testicles removed because they could become cancerous. Amazingly, we’ve seen the castration of women, but suggest it to a man, and see what kind of response you get. For far too long, women have been manipulated by doctors. My intent is to educate the public to question motives and validity of the medical procedures suggested. It always sounds different when the shoe is on the other foot.
Whenever possible, I’ve always had a garden. I grew up gardening with my parents, brothers, and sisters. Seeing an abundant harvest of nourishing food growing from intentional seed sowing along with protecting the ground and the growing plants has always been gratifying. What we sow in the realm of nutrition will reap a harvest of either health or sickness.
Health doesn’t just happen on it’s own anymore than a marriage can survive and thrive without work put into it. All living organisms require certain basic elements to grow and flourish.
Growing cancer in the body is the result of seeds. This can be chemicals in the environment, in our food, water, and air. It can be the harvest from foods, altered from their normal health producing nature. We also see cancers from emotions which change our biochemical nature.
In the case of harboring bitterness against someone, there’s a saying: “Bitterness, it eats at you like a cancer.” The roots of bitterness held in a person’s emotions creates toxic residue that can destroy the anti-oncogenes which protect cells against carcinogenic activity. Bitterness is truly a seed which, when mature, can bring in an unwanted harvest of cancer.
Because of the relationship of sorrow and bitterness resulting in a harvest of disease, feeding on a steady diet of the news along with so many of the posts shared on Facebook, attempts to try and overcome health challenges and recover your health may be compromised and defeated.
Just as negative emotions can have a harvest of disease, the opposite is true of emotions of love and joy. Doctors have proven that laughter is actually nourishing to your system. They’ve shown that your physical body can’t distinguish the difference between a put on laugh and a real belly-laugh.
I’ve heard of many instances where a patient was given a bad prognosis, told to go home and get their affairs in order, and instead, they engaged in activities that caused them to laugh long and hard. When they returned to their physician later, they were found to be completely healed of the circumstances they were previously facing.
Grief is an emotion we all have the opportunity to face. We don’t get through this life without dealing with loss of some sort. If we live long enough, we see parents pass away, and eventually many of our friends. How we deal with this sets us up for some kind of harvest, either good or bad. I enjoy attending celebrations of life rather than funerals. one looks at the joy and blessing of a life well lived, and the other looks at and emphasizes personal loss.
The scripture, Proverbs 17:22 says, “A merry heart does good like a medicine, but a broken spirit (heart) dries up the bones.” Your bones are where stem cells reside. These are a vital part of the renewing of the tissues of your body. It’s where you make blood, which is where your life is.
When I see those who’ve had cancer therapy, then require stem cells from someone’s bone marrow, I have to ask, “could this be bypassed if the person would dump the bitterness and sorrow, and take hold of some joy?” This could easily help avoid the bad prognosis in the first place.
We can sow seeds of healing in many ways. What we put our focus on is what we’ll manifest harvest from. We definitely need to take care of the vehicle by eating foods which nourish the body while avoiding the stuff that damages it. Throw out the halloween candy! Switch your focus from fighting disease to that of nurturing a harvest of health. Adopt a healthy attitude of love and joy.