Entities like the World Health Organization (which is the farthest thing from actually being there for our health and welfare), are already planning for the next pandemic. Seeing the cheesier cat grin on Bill Gates face when talking about it suggests he’s in it for gain. He made billions on Covid, it’s no wonder he’s thrilled at the prospect of more death and destruction.
Since we don’t have major leverage in dealing with what’s coming down the pike, getting our house in order is something we can actually be proactive at.
I’m not a Mormon, but the idea of having a well stocked pantry with non-perishables isn’t a bad idea. If you have the room to do so, gradually stocking up on food every week can be a real life saver.
Having a back-up of your nutritional supports, especially if they’re critical for neurological or cardiovascular support would make sense. Should the country go through draconian measures as before, shutting down businesses, having back-ups in all these areas makes good sense.
Having a generator and some gas to run it can help keep your freezer and refrigerator running for a while. Investing in some of these things over time can put you in a safer place should the “you know what” hit the fan.
When considering your own health and your families health during times of contagious illnesses, one of the first areas to take care of is probably the last you may think of. The majority of your immune system resides in your gut. When your digestion and elimination are compromised, you’re more vulnerable to disease.
Constipation creates a hostile environment within your body. At times like this, it doesn’t take much to fall ill to many diseases. The proper bacteria in your intestines acts to create critical elements necessary to digest and absorb vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and fats. When this balance is upset, the rogue bacteria generated here actually creates toxic elements which then stress your liver, which is a major defender against illness.
Since the liver is a foundational organ involved in immunity, combined with the spleen, thymus, and bone marrow, creating or absorbing toxins from the intestines into the liver compromises your bodies ability to defend against disease. Most liver challenges originate from the intestines.
There are lymphatic organs in the small intestine called Peyer's patches. These are round, thickened areas of tissue located in the mucosa of the intestinal lining. Inside of the patch are a cluster of lymph nodules, filled with white blood cells. The surface epithelium of Peyer's patches is overlaid with specialized cells called M cells. When the internal health of the intestine is compromised, this part of your lymphatic system can become paralyzed.
Maintaining health here involves all the basics of good nutrition. Adequate clean, non chlorinated water, foods with soluble fiber, adequate stomach acid, and chewing your food completely is foundational. Not eating when stressed is also very important in maintaining good intestinal health.
To keep your digestive health secure, consider the need for adequate vitamin A. Your mucous membranes along with all your skin cells requires adequate levels of vitamin A. At the end of the 19th century, researchers found that if they restricted foods rich in vitamin A from animals they quickly developed sinus and ear infections. We all know the eyes require vitamin A as well to make rhodopsin, which drives the rods and cones in the retina.
So, how do we stockpile vitamin A that won’t go bad? One of my favorite sources of vitamin A just happens to be good old Cod Liver Oil. This has been known for it’s immune protection for many years, but unfortunately many have dismissed it, due to not liking the taste. Thankfully, I’ve been getting a very good source of cod liver oil from Standard Process which is in perles. This form prevents it from going rancid. It’s available to order through my website. I take three daily to help with my vision, immunity, and for good brain function.
This cod liver oil has vitamin D as well which is an important element to assist calcium uptake and to fight against viruses. Our ancestors knew the importance of using cod liver oil to protect against disease long ago. Unfortunately people haven’t listened to our patriarchs and matriarchs when it comes to staying healthy.
If you want to stock up on the right elements like Immuplex, which supports the liver, spleen, thymus, long bones, vitamin C and D, and cod liver oil, you can do so by logging in to my web page and ordering on line. Sometimes we get a run on things here. https://drjohnabriggs.com