The beginning of a new year is a time of making new commitments and restoring the old. The attitude with which we begin anything can have a dynamic impact on the eventual outcome. The biggest question lies in whether you’re able to remain committed to whatever it is you desire. Intense desire drives commitment. Maintaining vision and focus are critical to reaching your goals.
Losing weight and improving health is often seen as the number one New Year’s resolution. Embarking on this adventure with nothing more than information off the internet can leave you short of your goal and frustrated.
For every fad diet out there (and there are many), there’s a boat-load of contradictions. So what are the appropriate steps to take. Commitment requires determination, and if you’re even the least confused about how to go about reaching your goal, you’re doomed to fail.
Along the path of any weight loss protocol there are multiple stumbling blocks. Wrong information may have you going backward. Having a trusted guide is critical. Ironing out the contradictions requires someone with knowledge and wisdom in this area.
You’ve no doubt heard that a vegetarian or vegan diet is healthy. Although it’s true a vegetable diet is excellent for cleansing the body, we weren’t designed to rebuild and maintain health without animal proteins and fats. These are the bricks and mortar which rebuilds cells as they wear out. Attempting to remain healthy on a strict vegetarian diet is difficult.
I’m aware many associate naturopathic medicine with vegetarianism, and have thought I was vegetarian. Since much of what we have to do in returning patients to health involves cleansing the system, there’s some truth to this kind of thinking. The overwhelming evidence that animal based proteins and fats are critical to abundant health has me convinced that if we restrict these from the body, over time, our cells will wear out prematurely.
Recently I was blessed with an excellent book that goes deeply into the differences in digestion and metabolism of both animals and humans. The author also shares about various people who’ve attempted to isolate their diets, eliminating either plant derived or animal derived foods. Interestingly, some severe conditions like Crohn’s disease, Bipolar, schizophrenia, and allergies could only be helped when consuming animal based foods.
I know this flies in the face of many who’ve embraced vegan or vegetarian lifestyles. The use of a strict vegetable based diet is sometimes the perfect way to attack degenerative diseases where cleansing the body is at the heart of curing cancer, or whatever the disease is. This is a primary foundation of many alternative care cancer clinics.
Once the system is cleaned up, it’s time to bring in the bricks and mortar to rebuild the system. This is why after the first ten days on our purification protocol, we encourage bringing in lean meats and other proteins to help rebuild the system.
I’ve recently become aware of a family member who married a vegetarian, and is now exhausted and fatigued, even though they’re working hard to be healthy, including some heavy work-out periods. The workout tears down tissue, but nothing is being consumed to provide the body with foundational building blocks to do the repair after the workout.
A proper purification diet, eliminating both grain and animal proteins for a short time, then after cleansing the system, restoring healthy animal proteins and fats can eliminate many health issues, and restore a lean, efficient metabolism. At our clinic we’re equipped to get you on the road to success with your New Year’s resolution.