Mainstream medicine is mainly a symptom based discipline, which often fails to fully evaluate the reason for decline in a person’s health. The multitude of commercials on television will usually have a statement like, “For the symptoms of XYZ.” If our primary focus is strictly to alleviate symptoms, the problem continues to live in the body.
I know I’ve made a blanket statement, and it doesn’t apply to all physicians. There are dynamic doctors in all disciplines, striving to find the cause and correct it. Unfortunately, the drug driven aspect of treatment strives to get as many as possible, relying on chemicals more so than to eradicate foreign chemicals from the system.
A favorite physician and author recently shared what the pharmaceutical sales people are trained to do. That’s to get as many people into the “five over Fifty club” as possible. This isn’t a club I’d advise you join. The goal is to get people over fifty on at least five drugs for life.
It doesn’t take rocket science when you consider both the physical burden and the financial cost, that it continues to keep the medical/pharmaceutical machinery well greased, while insuring a constant clientele.
With a steady cash flow to the pharmaceutical industry, the only way our public can afford to continue these expensive medications is to demand government assisted health care or to purchase added insurance, both of which are supplemented by many who don’t participate in this insanity.
The physical burden on the body of taking multiple drugs is staggering. Every time you add another drug, the potential side effects increase exponentially. With this in mind, at what point are we still dealing with the root problem? Again, ignoring the foundation of disease and simply subduing symptoms with drug therapy leads to greater and greater problems down the road. Ignoring the warning light on the dash of your car is asking for trouble.
Back in the early 70’s when I was starting my education for naturopathic medicine, it was still greatly unheard of. Many times I had to explain to people who hadn’t heard the term, naturopathic or holistic medicine. For the most part, people had lumped them into the “quack medicine” category, due to the propaganda by mainstream medicine. Now, what I hear is, “Alright, that’s awesome, I’ve been looking for a naturopath to help me.”
There’s been a paradigm shift, as more and more people have begun to wake up to the fact drugs aren’t the ultimate answer. Because of this, there’s been a greater and greater push by the pharmaceutical industry to romance the public back into their favor with a bombardment of commercials touting the need to take these drugs for anything and everything.
With many drugs, there’s a need to do frequent liver tests due to their hepatotoxicity. This isn’t the case when a nutritional approach is taken. I’ve yet to see a statin deficiency, or some other drug deficiency in a patient. I do see many nutritional deficiencies.
Frequently, when multiple drugs are taken, the brain and nervous system are impacted, creating mental and emotional challenges which then demand more drugs of a psychogenic nature. With imbalances in the psyche, it’s not uncommon to witness greater chemical imbalances. Here is where many illnesses come to roost.
Our thoughts and emotions are literally the steering gear of our entire system. The scripture that states, “As a man thinks, so is he,” reveals a dynamic of our existence that’s often discounted as unimportant. Our basic beliefs influence our emotions, and weighs in heavily when it comes to being ill or healthy. Our belief foundation, if weak, may allow various medications to create an imbalance, further influencing our ability to regain health.
Liver issues will often foster anger issues. Kidneys, fear. Lungs, grief. Stomach, acceptance or obsession. Gallbladder, resentment. Thyroid, paranoia. Giving drugs to cover these symptoms does nothing to correct the organ, only to further damage it.
Taking a nutritional approach instead of drugs is your best health insurance.