Treatments for high blood pressure has been one of the greatest conspiracies directed toward getting patients on drugs for the rest of their lives. Studies which have been manipulated to shine a positive light on the drugs used, have been presented to well meaning physicians as a means of promoting these chemicals.
Instead of observing the patient to establish the cause of hypertension, we see, as in most of modern medicine, the use of a chemical to bypass correcting the cause. For most of the medical field, the cause of hypertension goes unknown.
Salt is not the cause. Cutting fat and salt out of the diet can only lower your blood pressure by an average of only 2.8 off the systolic and 1.1 on the diastolic.
When we look at the liver and it’s influence on blood pressure, other drugs which seriously influence the liver are more suspect of raising your blood pressure than fat and salt.
The one greatest influence on blood pressure happens to be age. As we age, systems of the body change, and seeing a very high blood pressure in an older individual is expected over the teen. When your doctor tries to get your blood pressure to the level of a teenager, chances are, you won’t feel so good. Energy levels tank, and delivery of nutrition the all the cells of your body are impacted.
The love of sugars and other arterial damaging foods create vascular narrowing from the inflammatory response. When blood flow to the kidneys becomes compromised, they secrete chemicals which raise blood pressure. There are natural ways to open these vessels without surgical intervention using stents or bypasses. Your body has an innate ability to restore normal function if treated correctly with foods and enzymes.
Obesity is another cause of hypertension. Because of the increase in tissue, the heart has to pump harder to insure blood makes it to every tissue. When insulin is elevated due to type two diabetes, we see increased vascular damage and elevations in blood pressure. Something as small as a 20 pound weight loss can lower systolic blood pressure from 10 to 16 and diastolic from 8 to 13 points. This is far superior to taking a damaging drug for the rest of your life. Changing your diet to one of low carbohydrates and elimination of commercial wheat products, while improving weight bearing exercise can be a real game changer.
Of course, stress is one of the greatest causes of hypertension. Anxiety, (which runs rampant in our society today as evidenced by the dramatic amount of medications dispensed for it), establishes a corresponding secretion of adrenalin resulting in vasoconstriction. This narrowing of the vessels is often mistaken for plaque build-up, but is transient and the result of anxiety. Beta blockers are used to block the neurological signals from the brain to the arteries to relax them.
Stress relief through deep breathing and learning how to let go of the fear, worry, and negative emotions is a far better way to counter this one. Often times, the over consumption of simple carbohydrates results in the adrenal glands having to right the ship with additional cortisol and adrenalin, resulting in more high blood pressure.
When the liver is overloaded, it’s like having a plugged filter causing the heart to have to beat harder to compensate. The various drugs used initially to lower blood pressure put an added burden on the liver resulting in higher blood pressure. What can’t be adequately cleared by the liver is then shunted to the kidneys for clearance. Again, we see the clogged filter comparison in this one.
When this is the case, the twenty one day purification protocol we use here in the office is a good way to clean the slate and re-evaluate the underlying cause of hypertension. Again, slight elevations in blood pressure as you age aren’t signs that you must take a drug to avoid cardiovascular damage.
The most common of conditions where just the systolic (top number) is elevated, that’s primarily a condition of obstruction. Here is where assisting the liver and gallbladder being cleared can make the greatest impact. This is an area where a good purification program to aid in restoring normal function to the liver, gallbladder, kidneys, and gut can make all the difference in the world. We have the tools and technology to pull this one off. Now you just have to exercise discipline to do it.