Each specialist will look at you from their specialty and treat accordingly. To the dermatologist, you are skin. To the endocrinologist you are hormones.
We are complex beings in which every organ is dependent on the next. No system stands alone. Specialists are great, but how often do they consult with the rest of the body?
When you think about the supply of nutrients to every segment of the body, it all has to come through the digestive tract. The quality of the nutrition as well as processing of the nutrients is paramount to your ability to function properly.
It’s been said that the gut is the second brain. In so many ways, this is spot on. We see the processing of amino acids, which are required to produce neurotransmitters can be shut down if digestion is impaired.
These neurotransmitters are required for energy, peace of mind, pain reduction, sleep, and brain function. We can take purified amino acids which have made great impact for many patients, but eating good proteins and digesting them is of ultimate importance.
Many things can impact digestive wellness. Antibiotics are one of the biggest enemies of the gut today. The excessive use of them has created systemic problems which many times goes undetected for what it really is. As I’ve often said, the majority of disease is either sins of omission (what we have failed to consume) or sins of commission (what we’ve consumed that shouldn’t be eaten).
Many times, good healthy foods which fail to be digested properly end up becoming putrified and the byproducts of these rotting foods in the gut begin a toxic cascade which further burdens the liver, kidneys, lungs, and skin. In most skin diseases, I look to the liver to see what is not being cleared from the body and being passed off on the skin.
The health of the skin is strongly influenced by oils, and the digestion of them. Eating the proper foods rich in the omega three oils is essential for the health of not only the skin, but the brain and nerves. These oils are also critical for the reduction of inflammation. When the liver and gallbladder no longer assist in breaking up these fats up for absorption due to deficiencies of nutrients like choline, or having had the gallbladder removed, we see resulting digestive disruption.
On the note of healthy bile, this is one substance which aids in the maintenance of healthy intestinal membranes. When liver function is impaired due to overloads of fructose or alcohol, or the gallbladder has been removed, digestive function is impaired.
To assist in the proper production and secretion of bile, the use of bitters can be of great value. Unfortunately, the use of bitters has been forgotten to a great extent in our country. Since we’ve seen that bitters can greatly improve depression, it’s something that should be included when people suffer from either depression or anxiety. The release of bile having a positive effect on intestinal membranes can directly effect serotonin production. Much of the body’s serotonin is produced in the gut.
When we think about stress and fear, it’s not uncommon to feel these in the digestive system. Issues of shock and fear can elicit nausea, constipation, or diarrhea. You’ve heard the saying, “I got a gut feeling about this.” Your digestive function is greatly impacted by emotions which can upset your entire metabolism.
Bile acids from the liver and gallbladder are just that, acid. This is required not only for the process of emulsification of fats, but to nourish the healthy bacteria which occupy the gut. The condition we frequently see of SIBO, or small intestine bacterial overgrowth can be negatively impacted when adequate bile salts are deficient.
The loss of a gallbladder can upset digestion seriously as the reservoir which concentrates bile for digestion is missing. Due to this, an inadequate amount of bile is secreted into the small intestine when food enters at the time of stomach emptying. Because of this we see blood sugar imbalances, weight gain, bloating, constipation, and many other symptoms.
When I get patients who have had their gallbladder removed and are having any of these problems, I opt to get them using a purified bile acid support containing collinsonia root to avoid hemorrhoids.
To avoid having gallbladder problems when digestion doesn’t work like it should, insure adequate stomach acids and foods that yield natural bitters. Many herbs can provide this element.