The holidays can be pretty hard on our waist lines, and can put a burden on our heart. I just reviewed a patient’s blood work, and see greatly elevated triglycerides, and bad cholesterol.
Triglycerides are fats our body rapidly creates from simple carbohydrates. When these remain elevated it’s common to see a gradual increase in baseline blood sugars. What we check for long term blood sugar is called an A1C. This is the accumulated sugar in hemoglobin.
Over time, our body can have what’s called glycation. This is kind of like a caramelization of the proteins of our cells. This creates impaired transport of nutrition into cells and clearance of toxins from the cells. When trying to lose weight, this can be a major hinderance.
Since glycation takes time to accumulate, it can also take time for the body to clear. This is why patience and persistence is something we all need to have in changing our diets. A one week dietary change won’t really make any deep changes.
Don’t wait till New Years to decide it’s time to lose those extra pounds and get fit. You can really make headway now by avoiding those excess carbohydrates durning the holidays. Those sugars which accumulate have to be cleared. When the abundance of these sugars can’t easily be cleared, the body goes into the process of inflammation where these sugars are burned in the cells. This is the only area where the use of antioxidants really make sense, to slow down the burning of these toxins.
When there is a fire in the tissues like this, body tries to put out the fire using fats made in the liver. The liver makes low density lipoproteins. These are then deposited at the site of inflammation. When inflammation occurs on the lining of blood vessels is where cardiovascular plaques come from. Keeping this in mind, elevated LDL and triglycerides on your blood test gives evidence of too many carbohydrates being consumed. In other words, intake exceeds the rate of metabolism. There are far better ways to enjoy a sweet holiday without all the sugars. Isn’t excellent health a better thing to celebrate this season?
A tradition which needed to be changed was eating lots of dessert following the big meal. Getting our parents to change their way of thinking took some doing. When explained that protein consumed at the meal requires at least two hours for the parietal cells of the stomach to concentrate adequate acid to break it all down. When sugar is introduced into the stomach, your body halts the production of acid and allows food to sit and not digest.
This is often why tiredness accompanies feasting in this fashion. Literally digestion comes to a halt and this in turn presents a case for indigestion, bloating, gas, and constipation. In cases where too much is ingested at one time, the use of digestive aids like betaine hydrochloride and pepsin will assist, provided all the carbohydrates are limited.
The way our family eventually took to eating at these events seemed kind of backward but worked. While the turkey was still cooking, we enjoyed dessert. Because of the carbohydrate content digestion of these was rather rapid, with insulin levels rising, causing blood sugar to begin to fall, just in time for the main course which consists of protein and fats which tend to stabilize blood sugar and slow the digestive process.
By doing so, everyone had room to enjoy the desserts and no indigestion following the meal, that is unless you just totally pig out. Gluttony is still what it is.
Avoiding foods which initiate inflammation is important. Lately I’ve had patients who had lost their appetite and not been eating at all and all their inflammation went away. When this is the case, an elimination diet is something that can help identify the culprits.
One of the best means of an elimination diet is to do the purification protocol from Standard Process. Besides getting a glimpse of what you may be having sensitivity to, the benefits of detoxification of the system, weight stabilization, and improved energy, makes this the perfect after holiday treatment. This is something we can facilitate and help understand the reasons and benefits.
With so much emphasis on immune function and health, the purification protocol can help gain a stronger system in the face of all the hype about vaccines and their potential challenges. If you tend to suffer more than others this time of year, take a close look at what you’re putting in your mouth. Your mechanic wants to know what you’re putting in your gas tank when you’re broke down.