As a veteran, I’m aware that freedom is never free, requiring effort, sacrifice, and often ridicule to attain and maintain this freedom. Our last election showed that people desired freedom from many issues and turned out in record numbers to vote their hearts, even though there’s been opposition from so many for their choices.
My article isn’t intended to be political, but to show that if you desire freedom in your health, there are bound to be obstacles you’ll have to overcome. Just as a nation going the wrong direction morally and ethically is resistant to change, so is your body resistant to changing diet and exercise.
A body fed junk for an extended period of time may show resistance to eating healthy foods. I’ve seen patients exhibit allergic symptoms to healthy foods when they’ve been introduced after a lifetime of an unhealthy diet.
So what’s a body to do in achieving freedom from a life of eating unhealthy foods? Just as our forefathers had to face the opposition of those who desired to control their lives, we end up facing the opposition of a body out of control. Cravings aren’t our best friend when they drive us back into an unhealthy lifestyle. The shedding of blood isn’t required, but in many instances, resisting the cravings of unhealthy foods can be just as challenging.
So when you think of independence, you’re not free of the need for healthy food, water, fresh air, rest, and exercise. What we need, is to be independent of the drugs and surgeries required to maintain function when any of these vital aspects of life are missing.
On my ride to California down the Redwood highway, I ran into a young man at a gas station who was connected to an oxygen tank on his way to San Francisco. Upon asking about his condition, he stated he’d suffered gastric reflux, and would aspirate acid into his lungs at night. The acid burnt his lungs and set up an autoimmune condition against his lungs. He noted he was waiting on a lung transplant.
Unfortunately, a lung transplant would only leave him with another set of lungs under attack by his immune system, just as he’s already experiencing, unless on anti-rejection drugs for the rest of his life. Thankfully, he was receptive to receiving prayer at the time.
His condition could have been prevented had he embraced a healthy diet and stress reducing exercise. The guidance of a physician schooled in proper diet and supplementation could have corrected the reflux and avoided the initiation of an autoimmune disease. With a lung transplant, he’ll not be independent of the anti-rejection drugs. It takes seven days for the thymus gland to develop antibodies to the foreign lungs and if not using these drugs, on the eighth day is when people die after transplants without these drugs.
When a person is “hooked” on poor nutrition, it sometimes requires a “tea party” to get the body going in the right direction. As with the Tea Party of old, it wasn’t received well by the British. Your body may rebel! Your taste buds may hate you till you tell them what to like. It could be all out war till you get the system straightened out. This is where the purification protocol I’ve used in our office is so powerful. After the twenty first day, most people really don’t want to resume their old lifestyle. They have achieved independence.
Upon starting an exercise program, your muscles will tell you to quit right away, but with perseverance, your body will eventually crave the activity just as your body will crave nutritious foods. Getting off the water substitutes like soda pop and consuming good clean spring water will generate a desire for more of the same.
Demand your independence today. Don’t let your body tell you what you’re to do. Take authority over your body and your cravings. After all, are you so weak you can’t stand up against your body? Take back what the food industry has stolen from you and make the effort required to live a more dynamic life of independence.