It’s estimated that as many as one in four Americans suffer from a degree of this condition, which sets the stage for type two diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and cancer. When looking at it this way, it could be considered an epidemic. Other names for Syndrome X are: Metabolic syndrome, Insulin resistance syndrome, and the deadly quartet.
This condition is something that develops over years of poor nutrition where sugar and other refined carbohydrates are combined with a sedentary lifestyle of little to no exercise. This results in constantly elevated levels of blood sugar and a constant elevation of insulin.
A constant elevation of insulin continues to drive sugars into the cells. This function is needed to get fuel into the mitochondria for energy, but if this goes on without actually burning the fuel, the cells get overloaded just like flooding an engine with gasoline. If you flood the engine, you have to wait for the fuel to clear before it can run. Cells that get flooded can’t perform as they’re supposed to and this is where we see the beginning of pathology. Here again is where we see fasting as a means of restoring health.
If you or a loved one is dealing with these issues, there are steps to take which can help reverse the progression of this condition. What gets us into this in the first place has to be changed. Dietary intake needs to be re-evaluated and changed to one which nourishes the body instead of placing a greater burden on all the organs.
Activity levels need to be consistent with health. In other words, get up and get moving. A stagnant pond allows for all kinds of bugs to grow. We must avoid becoming stagnant.
Hydration with unadulterated spring water, not just filtered water is needed to carry away toxins and provide for the oxidation and reduction activities of metabolism. Many think they can address fluid needs with things like coffee or soda pop. These provide a greater burden on the body.
When dealing with Syndrome X, there are nutritional supports that can greatly improve how your body functions. Essential vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and antioxidant rich foods play a vital role in your body’s glucose/insulin metabolism and helps to insulate us from the deleterious effects of excess glucose and insulin.
We see where alpha lipoic acid, vitamin E, vitamin C, and trace minerals (especially chromium and vanadium) play key roles in regulating glucose metabolism and clearance. When it comes to almost miracle cures, both Maitake mushroom and the herb Gymnema sylvestre have demonstrated good blood sugar lowing effects.
Besides Maitake being excellent in enhancing a healthy glycemic balance, it assists in promoting stronger immune health and cellular growth. While on the subject of mushrooms as a means of medication, there are others that can be used to assist other areas which contribute to Syndrome X. Cordyceps is a mushroom which has been used by professional athletes to increase stamina and energy. It increases oxygen uptake and better endurance levels. This can assist in burning excess calories in the case of Syndrome X.
These are only two of the many mushroom medicines we have available to assist with re-sculpting your body and restoring health. When we see eventual mental challenges from blood sugar elevations, besides making sure to restore glycemic balance, the Lion’s Mane mushroom is known for memory and nerve support. Remember, Alzheimer’s disease is now considered type three diabetes. Again, this is one of the potential outcomes of unchecked Syndrome X. If you’re in doubt, come in and get your blood drawn. Let’s get healthy!