Your autonomic nervous system, which works beyond conscious thought, is ultimately controlled by thoughts. Even though you don’t have to consciously think about breathing or making your heart beat, your system takes care of this for you.
Your autonomic nervous system responds to commands from your hypothalamus much like your heat pump responds to commands from the thermostat in your house. What you set your thermostat at, is what it attempts to maintain through your heat pump. It will attempt to maintain the environment you set it at.
Your hypothalamus is your body’s thermostat. It monitors and controls your blood sugar, pH, temperature, oxygen saturation, mineral balance, blood pressure, and many other critical functions of your body.
Setting a thermostat in your house, sets up your home’s environment. Your thought patterns literally impact the setting of your hypothalamus, impacting the balance of both nerve and chemical secretions into your system.
Under appropriate and ideal conditions, this is a wonderfully protective mechanism which provides healthy changes any time there’s a threat to one’s life, allowing for physical abilities to match the challenge at hand. When there’s a continual perceived threat this system goes into a defense posture and holds the system there. Too long and too much can damage the system.
One person who’s maintained a hatred toward herself over a prolonged period of time, has experienced a continual emotional roller coaster. The hostility toward herself has initiated a degree of autoimmune activity because her brain is telling her immune system that she’s the enemy. With this, there’s been resultant immune attack on the pancreas, resulting in diabetes.
To complicate matters, there’s an area of mental response where it’s all or nothing. All emotions are greatly exaggerated. As an emotional over responder, she has both nerve and chemical responses which can’t be controlled. Her thermostat gets adjusted through the full range of highs and lows. Her emotions change so dramatically that her endocrine system over responds.
We’ve seen blood sugar skyrocket into the 300 range, then plummet to levels so low that she can end up almost comatose. This is a very dangerous issue as she will pass out or seem drunk, unable to stand up or take nourishment. The repeated emotional ups and downs have, over time, impacted pancreatic function by dumping far too much insulin into her system at any one time. These unmanageable blood sugar shifts are stumping all the endocrinologists and every other professional that’s tried to evaluate her condition or give her relief.
Whenever there are physical complaints which can’t be explained by routine tests, always look to the control mechanism of these organs and see if there are underlying thoughts and emotions which could precipitate the present symptomatic pattern. As the scripture states, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” Your mind state sets the stage for your physical existence.
Treating the human frame, requires that all aspects of existence be evaluated. As a young doctor, I felt that just focusing on nutrition and healthy lifestyle was sufficient enough. The longer I’ve been in practice, the more I realize how influential mindset is in regulating health, or in far too many cases, creating greater damage to the human frame.
The realization of mind/body influence really hit home in 1993 at a seminar, which revealed underlying thought patterns and how to ‘reprogram’ the mind to function normally again. In that seminar, I got to be the Guinea pig. Had I not personally experienced the dramatic change, (which ultimately changed my whole life) I’d never have believed the depth of healing that can take place with correcting wrong thought patterns.
If you’ve found yourself stuck in negative thought patterns, consider letting us help you do some healthy reprograming. Healthy nourishment of the brain is important, but equally important is the program that’s running there. Those things that you meditate on, day and night, ultimately create new programs or reinforce those which are already in place. The place to initiate change is mindset! Change your mind, change your life!
Naturopathic medicine is far more that just physical medicine.