The critical balance of our cellular structure is constantly under surveillance by every aspect of our being. We are mineral, chemical, electrical, and enzymatic in response to our environment. What we manifest in these areas can be very closely impacted by our environment and our response to that environment.
Many are aware we need to maintain an alkaline pH in our system. Variations outside of 7.3 to 7.5 can create serious problems. A change of only 0.1 outside this range can create a 10 fold reduction in the enzymatic function within your body.
Any excess in acidity contributes to disease, diarrhea, constipation, kidney and liver problems, as well as the fatigue which accompanies many health issues. With an excess in acidity, our body will actually “borrow” minerals from our bones to help stabilize cellular and blood pH. When these kinds of excess occur and we fail to replenish these minerals, the long term effects can result in osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, and a compromised immune system.
A shift in the opposite direction, creating over alkalinity doesn’t happen as often, but can have equally devastating effects. This kind of problem usually occurs when right intentions go too far. Information in this instance can be detrimental.
Minerals which buffer acidity are potassium, calcium, sodium, and magnesium. Calcium and sodium are the chief mineral buffers. Most of us, unknowingly have a slightly acidic body environment. Excess carbon dioxide and carbonic acid is created and accumulates in the blood through eating acid forming diets, stress, toxins, immune challenges, and the metabolic regulatory mechanisms which create acid by-products.
To offset pH imbalances, it’s critical that our diet include foods which contain these buffering minerals to offset the internal acidic state caused simply by metabolism. Fruits and veggies are where we should put our focus to obtain these critical elements.
The standard American diet contributes heavily to systemic acidity. One 12 ounce can of cola contains enough phosphoric acid to dramatically change your pH. With the cola pH being between 2.8 and 3.2, your kidneys can’t excrete enough acidic urine to protect the healthy systemic pH. Since urine cannot go more acidic than about 5.0, in order to dilute the acid load from that cola, you would have to produce around 33 liters of urine. Since this can’t be done, your skeleton comes under attack, having to give up minerals to neutralize this acid.
Stress is an element which increases acidity in the body. The more stress you endure, the higher the acid levels, resulting in greater mineral loss.
When you consider all of this, it’s no wonder drug companies are scrambling to find drugs that protect the skeleton. Unfortunately, these drugs don’t protect the skeleton, they just shift the load of mineral balance to other areas.
If you were to evaluate the function of many of these minerals, you would find many body functions involved. Nerve transmission is subject to the electrolytes that are required to transmit the information from one area of the body to another. Brain function is highly dependent on minerals for memory and recall. Magnesium enters into a massive number of enzymatic functions of the liver. Remember what I said about enzyme activity being decreased ten fold when your pH is only 0.1 off from the 7.3 - 7.5 range?
Muscle function, cramps, and strength, are all mineral dependent. Just the tone of the muscles of your throat can be influenced by variances outside of normal. This can result in something as simple as snoring or even as big as sleep apnea.
Guarding against systemic acidity is something that should be addressed through a good and healthy diet, rich in fresh vegetable and fruits. Grains generally add to acidity as do most proteins. I do believe in healthy proteins in the diet, but the veggies must be there to offset the acids from the protein.
Since stress is a major contributor to systemic acidity, maintaining a low stress diet is something I encourage to everyone. Fear, worry, and anger are all killers. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8
Let us help you change your lifestyle to prevent the results of the American diet.