Over time, this constant activity of trying to balance the pH through excessive renal function can create damage to the kidneys. With the kidneys working overtime to attempt to compensate for the hyperacidity, any failure to correct puts a greater burden on the skeletal structure. Because of this, it’s not too far fetched to realize that in a state of diabetes, osteoporosis is one of the outcomes that can be expected.
When dealing with a disease like diabetes, not only is restriction of sugar in the diet important, the addition of alkaline vegetables helps reduce the excessive burden on the kidneys. Alkaline water units are available which can be purchased to create a water which imparts alkaline minerals into the body. Distilled water tends to be more acidic since minerals have been removed in the distillation process.
Alkaline water units are available which can be purchased to create an alkaline water which can assist in reducing the acidic load in the body. Distilled water tends to be more acidic since the minerals which impart alkalinity to the water have been removed. The process of distillation removes all minerals and leaves pure H2O, which is hungry for minerals and can actually pull minerals from your system. In isolated cases, this can be beneficial, as in the case of kidney stones and calcific plaques in the arteries. When using distilled water for these concerns, it’s critical that a diet high in mineral rich vegetables be consumed.
If you consider buying water, natural spring water is commonly superior to purified water due to the inherent mineral content commonly found in the spring water. Purified water is something you can make at home with any carbon block filtration system. This is far less expensive than purchasing plastic bottles of purified water, and can dramatically reduce the landfill waste problem.
One major problem seen is that of water bottles left in the sun. If you’ve ever drank a bottle of water like this, you no doubt could taste the plastic from the bottle. This is highly toxic and is a major player in the reduction of testosterone in men. Glass is still the safest container for your water storage.
Dehydration is to be avoided at all costs, and the practice of healthy water consumption has caught on for many people. Dehydration can set up increased systemic acidity.
With summer here and temperatures that induce greater amounts of perspiration, there is increased loss of alkaline minerals from the system. It’s only natural that the time of year corresponds to an increase in garden growth with more of the green leafy veggies that can impart good alkaline minerals into the system.
While riding through Minnesota last week on the Chariots of Light National Tour, the heat was intense at times, but traveling 70 miles an hour with the wind carrying away perspiration quickly on the back of a motorcycle, I required greater amounts of hydration to compensate. Besides being conscious of the need for alkaline water, when we stopped for food, I was the one ordering the big salad to aid in mineral replacement. At mealtime, I took note of those who ordered soda pop with the meal. Between the moisture evaporation and the addition of sugar and phosphoric acid in the soda, this further defeats the body’s attempts to restore healthy pH.
I know that I look like the health nut on these trips, but I am hoping that my example along with my vitality can help to lead others into healthier lifestyles as well.
The best tips I can give you for the hot summer months is to leave the soda’s alone, focus on good organic, garden fresh vegetables, along with moderate amounts of fresh whole fruits (not fruit juices), and drink plenty of good clean, alkaline based water.
Lastly, get out and enjoy the great outdoors!