Our reliance has turned from healthy maintenance of the human frame to damage control with drugs and unnecessary surgeries. Joint replacement therapy has replaced sound nutrition which supports the ability of synovial fluid to maintain the health of the joint. Drugs to calm and maintain sleep have replaced B vitamins and minerals required to support and maintain health here.
With impaired digestive health, the second brain can’t function as it should. Instead of restoring a healthy intestinal environment we’re condemning patients to a life on anti-psychotic drugs.
With abuse of antibiotics, the internal environment is seriously affected. Fungal issues are more the norm than the exception. When the good bacteria has been destroyed, yeast and fungi take over. Trying to restore the internal flora can be extremely difficult, and many probiotics on the market are next to useless.
One of my patients commented on Asians consuming what they call poop soup to restore internal bacteria. Not my idea of optimal bacterial restoration. Since E-coli is part of the normal bacterial flora in the colon, consuming it orally would pose other potential problems. Instead, I use good prebiotics and probiotics to restore the balance of bacteria.
The idea of fecal implants isn’t new. I’ve been aware of this kind of therapy for over three decades, but haven’t implemented it in my practice. After a report on autistic kids which showed an 82% drop in gut problems and 24% drop other problems following fecal implant, I might have to take a second look. These fecal implants come from healthy patients with proper bacterial balance. The ideal donor would be a healthy breast fed baby who hasn’t been damaged by antibiotics or immunizations.
Maintaining a healthy digestive system ensures maintaining a healthy brain and immune system. What goes on down there affects everything throughout your body. Constipation is usually the result of poor function anywhere from salivary glands thorough stomach, liver/gallbladder, pancreas, membranes of the small and large intestine. Any of these areas not functioning properly can shut down your ability to extract nutrition from your food.
When the bowel slows down and transit time is greater than 24 hours, the internal environment of the bowel shifts from slightly acidic to alkaline. The bacteria which is supposed to inhabit this area thrives in an acidic environment. Acidophils is an acid loving, normal bacteria found in a healthy colon. When the environment becomes alkaline, the healthy bacteria can no longer thrive with fungal and yeast strains taking their place.
To change the environment we encourage improving the transit of stool with things like magnesium, soluble fibers, and a particular kind of yeast which actually creates a healthy acid in the bowel. When the pH has shifted back to a more acidic environment, it’s time to plant some good bacteria. One of the problems seen in trying to correct bowel health with probiotics involves forgetting to correct the pH first. It’s like planting seeds in your garden which require an acid soil in highly alkaline soil. They won’t grow.
Interestingly enough, moss in your lawn, thrives in an acid environment, and changing the pH is one of the first things I do to restore my lawn. Because we get so much rain up here in the northwest, it flushes the alkaline minerals from the soil. Replenishing these alkaline minerals is required to free the lawn from being choked out by the moss. This is an example of a shift in pH affecting the health of a growing organism. Just as we see healthy bacteria choked out by other organisms, changing the environment and restoring the good bacteria can correct many of the ills which accompany a messed up gut.
We need to evaluate the body’s ability to receive nutrition and distribute it to the entire body to prevent having to use emergency intervention. Then we need to find out if the proper foods are being consumed to maintain and fuel this marvelous thing called our body.