Do we face unexpected issues daily? That goes without saying. How we overcome these, truly depends on how prepared we are in both our physical response as well as our mental and emotional responses.
When I speak of the mental and emotional responses, it’s amazing how there’s never any reporting on the mental and emotional health of shooters when there’s been one of the mass shootings. Instead of reporting on the drugs which the shooter was taking, the shout comes up about disarming our nation. This is just another “treat the symptom and not the cause” mentality which our health care system is all about.
Our thoughts are blueprints out of which our life is created. If we can change how our autonomic nervous system and endocrine system function just by changing our thoughts and emotions, how much more do these impact the long term health of our entire body.
As an example, my car, if let sit for a few days, will have a dead battery. The drain on the battery is so slight that it’s not noticed if I drive the car daily. Each time I drive it, the alternator fully charges the battery back up and it starts just fine the next day. Since I can’t see the drain on the system happening, it would be easy to say there’s no problem, making it impossible to diagnose and fix.
When we’re exposed to daily drains either nutritionally or emotionally, they may not be earth shaking, but are putting a drain on various systems. When I look at the nervous system, I see a parallel between it and the electrical system in my car. Both conduct electricity. When there’s a constant low drain on the nervous system, eventually there will be pathological changes.
Our brain and central nervous system are highly electrical and if depleted, act like a computer exposed to the wrong voltage. Covering up mental and emotional outages in the brain with a drug only can end in disaster. Nutritional deficiencies coupled with increased demands on our thoughts and emotions are a foundation for the kind of disasters we’ve witnessed in these shootings. It’s not the fault of the weapon used, but the control of those holding them. If not guns, it would be some other kind of weapon because of deranged thinking.
Nutritional imbalances establish perverted neurological and endocrinological response. Add to that the input from television, movies, and video games, and you have a recipe for disaster. How we manage those with nutritional and emotional imbalance has been totally upside down. Disarming law abiding citizens would only makes the present problem worse.
We see where the government has begun to get strict with the use of opioids, due to abuse. When will they begin to get aggressive in regulating the use of psych drugs. If investigation were revealed, we would see that in every case of mass shootings, the shooter was on prescription medication for psychological issues. When looking at the side effects of these drugs we see suicide and aggressive behavior as major issues, and all pertinent to the shooting.
As critical as nutritional imbalances, which set the stage for problems, the blueprint of our mind is foundational. How we see ourselves in our mind directs our actions and thoughts. Fear is our imagination seeing the worst. This is a blueprint out of which we act. If we believe we’ll get cancer, we invariably take actions, totally unaware of how these actions manifest into reality.
I had to see myself as a physician before I ever entered into school to be one. If we can’t see ourselves healthy, how will we achieve it? No one sets out to accomplish a goal they don’t believe they can attain. Our thoughts are the blueprints out of which our life is created. If you can only see yourself struggling to get by, that’s exactly what you’ll experience.
Hope is actually your imagination in action. Do you hope for better health? Better said, can you imagine yourself healthy. This can be a struggle for someone who’s struggled with poor health for a lifetime. Having a paradigm shift in your thinking may be the hardest thing you’ll ever do. Changing your mind is the first step in changing your health.
Your thoughts follow what you put your eyes and ears on. Don’t allow bad conversation to destroy positive change. Hang out with healthy, prosperous people. Make their vision yours. There may be obstacles to good health out there, but equally, there’s great opportunities for excellent health.