Following proper nutritional support for just twelve days it's possible to see this totally cleared up. Through appropriate nutrition, the calcification is dramatically reversed, restoring the normal function of the heart.
For the same reason pipes in your house can build up with calcium (predominantly in the hot water lines), blood circulating through the heart at 100.4 degrees allows non ionic calcium to accumulate in the arteries, especially where there’s the greatest forceful flow. This is in the heart valves.
This is the foundation of aortic stenosis. The condition is common and closely connected to issues of malnutrition commonly seen today. Correction suggested by most doctors involves surgery. What isn’t readily understood or discussed about correction involves providing proper nutrition.
By the same way you can dissolve the lime on your shower head or out of your pipes using vinegar or other acids commonly found in fermented foods, you can have a dynamic impact on the calcification of your cardiovascular system.
The American College of Cardiology reports: “The apparent link between lipid, inflammation,
and calcification in these early stages and the pathological similarities with atherosclerosis led to the hypothesis that statins might be beneficial in patients with aortic stenosis….However, when statins were formally tested in 3 independent randomized controlled trials of patients with aortic stenosis, each demonstrated a failure of this therapy to halt or retard aortic stenosis progression, despite reducing the serum LDL cholesterol concentrations by more than one-half....but rather by the relentless accumulation of calcium in the valve leaflets. This may explain the failure of statins to modify disease progression in aortic stenosis, which commonly presents beyond the initiation phase. Moreover, there is some data that statins may even be pro-calcific in the vasculature.”
I love when mainstream medicine disproves their very own damaging drugs. Unfortunately, so many of these articles fail to be taken seriously and the results produced by the drug companies own (manipulated) studies are held to a higher standard, and relied on to promote their product.
When carbonates are used as supplements, they’re not easily ionized, causing them to deposit in various places like in the aorta, lens of the eye, joints, kidneys, and on the teeth as tartar. Calcium needs to be in an ionized form to be used properly in the body. The use of acid blockers increases the damage from these non ionized minerals.
Fermented foods contain the lactic acid component which assists the body in utilizing minerals properly. Improving dietary acids instead of blocking them is critical. Calcium lactate is the most useable form we can obtain. Often times supplement companies will put some calcium lactate in the formula just to appease us, but then load it up with other non-ionized forms to boost the label.
Among the many deficiencies which can create heart problems, a lack of vitamin B ranks right up at the top, due to the refining of grains. The deficiencies back in 1943 weren’t near as dramatic as what we’re seeing in today’s depleted, denatured foods. My use of whole food nutrition with patients showing deficiencies has, over the years, proven everything Dr Royal Lee spoke of so long ago.
The following is a quote from Dr Royal Lee in an address to doctors back in 1943.
“A deficiency of the vitamin B complex is almost as devastating in its damage to heart mechanisms as is a deficiency of vitamin C complex. The primary effect is to permit a relaxation of the vascular system, enlargement of the heart, atony of the intestinal tract, and progressive degeneration of the nervous system with disturbances of heart rhythm, and possible end results of heart block or fibrillation. The heart enlargement often causes malpositions of valves, with consequent regurgitation. The administration of the B complex, which must contain the anti-paralysis vitamin in potent quantity, will often temporarily eliminate the valve leakage, the skipped beats, the fibrillation or heart-blocking in a phenomenally short time. In fact, cardiograms will show changes, sometimes as quickly as within fifteen minutes, that are often hard to believe. It is certainly a barbaric practice to try to stimulate the heart with drugs, under such circumstances.
The correction of the deficiencies takes off the overload, which alone means that the vicious circle is broken, and the improvement often is apparently miraculous even when the patient is at the brink of the grave.”