Mandatory physical education has disappeared from schools meaning that the increase in carbohydrate intake is far exceeding the body’s ability to clear sugars. Oral antibiotics for just about every little infection, or suspected infection, has changed the gut microbiome dramatically. Add to that, the massive use of antibiotics in livestock, and it’s a wonder any of us have a normal bowel health or function.
Obesity and diabetes are very closely tied. What I often see is the case of the thin diabetic. This condition is not only tied to failed discipline to dietary principles, but to challenges in the endocrine system.
It’s not uncommon to see diabetes tied to pancreatic challenges, liver issues, adrenal weakness, thyroid failure, and emotional stress. Identifying the underlying cause is far more than just giving insulin. The pharmaceutical companies are scrambling to come up with more and more drugs to offset the issues of diabetes.
The financial prize goes to the company that sells the most drugs which are able to cover the symptoms of elevated blood sugar. Often times, when extensive studies are done, it’s found that the diabetic already has elevated insulin. When this is the issue, the question becomes, why isn’t this lowering blood sugar?
First, to correct the condition, cessation of the intake of refined sugars must happen. Often times the person is literally addicted to their sugary foods. I’ve often seen where the patient has stated they couldn’t give up their soda pop. It’s like the one child that, when found to have a milk allergy, said they would just die if they had to give up their milk. This is how addicted people get to their drug.
Next is to identify digestive disturbances which could be impairing the absorption of nutrients required to maintain all areas of metabolism. Often times this could be issues of poor stomach acid and the use of acid blockers.
When the liver becomes challenged and it’s ability to maintain production and distribution of the B vitamin inositol, the sugar the brain runs on, the body will attempt to hold on to glucose hoping it can fulfill the role of the inositol for supporting the functions of the brain. This often leads to foggy head and poor concentration. When this is a condition existing with diabetes, inositol levels should be examined and addressed.
Adrenal dysfunction is often a cause of elevated blood sugar. When excess sugars are consumed causing an over secretion of insulin from the pancreas, blood sugar levels can drop rapidly resulting in hypoglycemia. The body’s response to this in an effort to maintain normal blood sugar levels is to release the hormone cortisol. Cortisol causes release of glycogen from the liver to keep the blood sugar up, and it also slows metabolism to conserve blood sugar.
This is one of the reasons that hypoglycemia is considered a precursor to diabetes. Since the adrenals are part of the body’s means of balancing blood sugar, chronic stress can play a major role in the creation of diabetes.
As I mentioned the role of cortisol in trying to stabilize blood sugar, consistent ingestion of sugar slows the metabolism as means of conserving fuel. This is why the body layers on fat in these instances to create a reserve. One of the first places the body increases fat is in the greater omentum. This is the fat pad which hangs down from the stomach to cover the intestines as protection of these critical organs. This is what so many want gone called belly fat.
Your thyroid gland is what sets the rate of your metabolism. We can often see connections between diabetes and thyroid weakness. This can arise from poor protein digestion and absorption, as well as deficiencies in minerals, either poorly absorbed or ingested. All too often the over abuse of sugar in the diet will negatively impact digestion.
After dealing with the many aspects of diabetes from the standpoint of dietary intake, initiating improved digestion, liver function, pancreatic and pituitary support, the reversal of type two diabetes is fully possible. Obviously, changing the issues and habits which allowed the condition in the first place is critical. Getting rid of the physical, mental, and emotional stressors on the body is first and foremost.