Amazingly enough the area we don’t often hear about is one which I’ve seen far too often. This is directly related to a spirit of rejection.
Very few doctors ask the pointed questions which can reveal the foundational roots of many diseases. This involves getting involved in the patient’s life far more than many are willing to do.
When kids are raised in oppressive situations where there’s an abundance of rejection, there’s an internalization of being inadequate. When this happens, we begin to beat ourselves up. I like to visualize it like someone beating you with a club, and when you are used to it, they hand you the club and you take over doing it to yourself.
The hierarchy of our being is Spirit, Soul, and finally Body. We are a Spirit with a soul, (mind, will, and emotions) living in a physical body.
The brain is the control center for the entire body. This includes control over our immune system, controlling our white cells and their function. When we’re hostile towards ourself, Our mind, which uses the organ called our brain, directs our immune surveillance system to attack us because in our mind we’ve determined we’re the enemy.
Trying to cure an autoimmune disease without addressing the root of rejection is impossible. We can give immune suppressive drugs to turn off our defenses, but that only acts to defeat our ability to defend ourselves from any and all other diseases, while ignoring the foundation of the initial disease. This opens us up to many opportunistic diseases as well.
Far too many live their lives being down on themselves and need someone to direct them into acceptance. 2 Timothy 2:24-26 pretty much sums this up; And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.
When there’s an autoimmune condition, we often can deliver nutritional support of mammalian DNA to act as a decoy and reduce the attack on the tissues. This in addition to the associated nutrition required to heal and restore the attacked tissues can dramatically improve health outcomes, especially when underlying conditions are fully addressed.
Trauma which spills DNA into the general circulation can establish an autoimmune condition as the body attempts to protect itself from creating rogue cells in the wrong places. This creates anti-nuclear antibodies which can be often found on blood profiles. This is a test often used to identify autoimmune attacks on joints.
Celiac diseases is one which attacks the lining of the intestines causing inflammation and bleeding. 40% of celiac patients have been found to have anti-pituitary antibodies. This was found in 2006 by an Italian group which had noted that those with celiac disease had an issue of failure to thrive. When I think of failure to thrive, we often see this in those who fail to receive love and acceptance. Another really clear example of rejection.
Of course, trauma like a closed head injury can create damage where there’s release of tissue DNA, setting an autoimmune disease in motion. This is where the protomorphogens (specific tissue DNA), can dramatically assist in relieving the damaging effects of brain autoantibodies.
In recovering our health, it’s critical we observe all the issues which suppress the healing nature of our bodies, eliminating these obstacles, while providing the nutrition and support in generating healthy tissue.
Ignoring the foundation of our mind, will, and emotions in the full scope of health is to totally ignore the elephant in the room. Suppressing emotions with drugs won’t cut it.