Since sugar consumption tends to greatly increase as our little monsters bring home their trick or treat bags, we have to have a plan some strategies for disposing of their bounty before they totally infuse themselves with this illness causing garbage.
Often, we see mom and dad with their hands in the sugar bowl as well. Many can’t pass up these sweets when they’re readily available. Sugar can be every bit as addicting as heroin. Often times when an alcoholic tries to get off of alcohol, which is truly a form of sugar, they go for sweets.
I grew up in a household where it was considered a sin to waste anything. Trust me, throwing out this harmful stuff isn’t a waste. Just think about how much you’re going to have to spend on doctor visits and medication if you don’t get this out of your house.
In the past, the candy we purchased for the kids was what we would like, so that whatever was left over we might consume. Not anymore. Sugar creates inflammation in the body and the response involves increased immune surveillance.
When this happens, our natural defenses become taxed and are weakened. Confiscating the candy and trashing it is the best thing you can do for you and your family. No one enjoys being stuck at home with a fever. Besides the prospect of weakening the immune system, increased sugar consumption puts a much greater burden on the pancreas, manufacturing insulin to offset the rise in blood sugar.
Isn’t it interesting that zinc is instrumental in the production of insulin. The reduction of this mineral has been connected with diabetes, as well as loss of the sense of taste and smell. Deficiency is also connected with increased infections.
Sugar increases burden on liver function and is connected with fatty liver disease and gallbladder stones and infection. With all these issues, sugar doesn’t look so sweet anymore.
With the dramatic rise in childhood obesity, by taking authority over the consumption of sugar in our homes we can impact how our kids grow up. Educating them on good health and nutrition, with an understanding of why we avoid excessive sugar in our homes can go a long way toward their future.
An experiment was done with rats where there were two groups, being fed differently. One group got healthy rat chow, like they would find in nature. The other group was given only refined carbohydrates and sugar. Both groups were given the choice between either water or alcohol to drink. The group given the healthy foods completely avoided the alcohol, whereas the poorly fed rats avoided the water and drank the alcohol.
I know this may sound strange, but those addicted to unhealthy lifestyles could be due to unhealthy lifestyles regarding something seemingly simple as Halloween candy? We need to manage boundaries with our kids when they are still moldable. This means that the example we give them is huge. We can’t tell them one thing and then violate the very thing we told them. Our kids hear loudest with their eyes.
Grateful that we live far enough out in the country that we don’t get the trick or treat crowd, and don’t have to buy any of that stuff. I’d hate to hear that I’m drumming up business. Hand out candy and a business card with it.
I remember as a kid when people were honorable and wouldn’t ever consider harming a child. The good stuff was popcorn balls and Carameled apples. Unfortunately there had been many incidents of these items being tampered with, and injuring children. Helping Mom in creating these was half the fun of the event.
Handing out Immune system health packs to the kids would be a great idea, but a kids concept of that wouldn’t be much of a thrill. So just what can we do as concerned citizens who desire to spread wellness instead of sickness? I’m still trying to figure this one out for myself.
When the town would open business doors to the kids durning the day for their rounds, we’ve handed out pencils to the kids in the past. After all, they can use these in school. Balloons can also be something which kids like.
After their sugar high, bring them back down to earth with a good protein dinner with healthy fats followed by some immune supporting herbs like Echinacea or our cold and flu tincture.