As sugar consumption is increased, bacterial and viral clearance drops exponentially. Normally one white cell is capable of destroying as many as 32 foreign invaders in just one hour. If you can imagine pac-man munching down everything in it’s way, this is a good representation of how white cells remove bacteria and viruses from your system. Chronic sugar consumption reduces bacterial and viral clearance to the point where pac-man freezes up after only one or two bacteria.
Sugar consumption dramatically reduces calcium balance while your immune system pulls more calcium from bones and teeth to try and run the faulty white cells.
The overall reduction in white cell activity opens the door to the cold and flu season. You may wonder why we have such a thing as a “season” for colds and flu. Consider the changes that take place. Vitamin D levels drop along with reduced fresh foods containing essential nutrients like naturally occurring vitamin C. Now add in the sugar and treats connected with the holidays and we have a perfect storm brewing.
So, with the holidays fast approaching, and as you purchase treats to hand out to the little ones that will be showing up at your door on October 31, consider what you will do with whatever treats you have left over. How strong is your will power? If not very strong, consider purchasing whatever you totally detest. As the disciples said in the garden, the spirit may be strong, but the flesh is weak.
With the inevitable colds and flu coming in the wake of all this sugar intake, I’m stocking up my dispensary with Congaplex, Echinacea Premium, Thymex, and Andrographis complex, since not only will sick kids be showing up in my office, but parents who decide to share the sweet, damaging treats the kids bring home.
With reduced sun exposure, if you are not supplementing vitamin D, your calcium absorption is reduced. Not only does this affect your resistance to colds and influenza, but it predisposes you to tissue spasms resulting in strains and sprains which can come on during even the lightest or minor activity. I find myself treating more spinal injuries this time of year, and it seems to be very closely related to sugar intake.
Cancer studies in the northern regions show increased cancer activity during the winter months where there is less sun, and thus less vitamin D. Couple this with the fact that sugar feeds cancer cells, and we have even greater call to protect against low vitamin D and excess sugar intake.
Besides reducing immune function, sugar consumption aggravates issues of weight gain, bone loss, inflammation, and of course, diabetes with all of it’s systemic damage. Sugar causes glycation of cells, setting up hardening of the arteries and elevated blood pressure. The inflammation component sets up cholesterol problems.
Mainstream medicine looks at fats in the blood, and their answer is to use drugs and fat free diets, all of which fail to target the true cause. Elevation of the so-called bad fats is primarily due to inflammation in the body. The number one pro-inflammatory agent in today’s society is sugar.
As a nation, we’re addicted to our sugar and sugary foods. Unfortunately this begins very early in life, as the foods for the youngest of our nation have been affected. Start a child out on sugar in their baby foods, and they will crave it later in life. Take charge of your life and break the sugar habit. If you’re still in the grasp of this addiction, we have nutrition that can help. One of my favorites for curbing sugar craving is the herb Gymnema. Insuring the B vitamins, routinely stripped from the system, are replaced and increased to normal can go a long way toward restoring health and reducing the cravings.