With this co-dependance on one another, it’s easy to see how so many attempts of well meaning companies fall short of providing adequate nutrition with their products. Labels have the ability to look extremely impressive, but end up lacking the many intricate components, at the right concentration, (which nature is responsible for, and highly efficient at providing). What nature is capable of makes some of the best of man’s attempts look feeble.
I recall hearing the statement, “Better living through Chemistry.” The only place this statement is true is when that chemistry is the chemistry of nature, doing it’s work, without interference of man.
Man was created out of the very soil, put into a garden and told to tend the garden. Unfortunately we’ve been poisoning the soil we’ve been given, and have side-stepped proper and healthy gardening practices. The practice of letting the ground rest every seven years, so the soil can recuperate has been ignored in order to create more crops. To make this work, we’ve added various chemicals to the soil, destroying the natural organisms which live there.
When we consider the many organisms which live in healthy soil, we need to look at their role in maintaining the health of that soil. Remember, the plant can’t contain elements the soil can’t provide. So many of these inhabitants of the soil, like worms, are a vital part of creating and maintaining the biochemical balance required to grow healthy plants. With sterilization of the soil by various chemical treatments, the plant’s ability to uptake critical elements, required by the plant and our bodies, is negatively impacted, leaving us with substandard nutrition from these foods.
Now, let’s look at the soil of our own bodies. Just as soil is critical to the nutrition of plants, our bodies are composed of all the elements of the earth. Maintaining this balance is accomplished by consuming foods rich in the correct balance of all essential nutrients. We may not give enough credence to organic gardening, but the impact of a far greater density of nutrition found in these foods, far outweighs the difference in cost.
Now let’s look at another soil. Gardening outside is important, but you have an internal soil that requires proper maintenance. This is the bacterial inhabitants of your body. This is known as our internal and external flora, or the micro-biome. This soil is far more extensive than you may be aware.
The human body consists of over a hundred trillion cells. That number is hard for me to wrap my mind around. Daily, we see billions of these cells wearing out and dyeing off, only to be replaced with new cells. What most people don’t realize is that our micro-biome consists of ten times as many bacteria as the number of cells in our body. It’s influence in maintaining our health has been far underrated and ignored.
Just as the chemical treatment of our agricultural soils have destroyed the nutrition of our crops, chemical treatments used in pharmaceuticals have destroyed the micro-biome of people. With this in mind, restoring the soil of our bodies is ever so important in regaining health. Since our gut is known as our second brain, ignoring the repair and restoration of our digestive system and the inhabitants therein can be one of the biggest mistakes in attempting to restore health.
I take restoration and proper feeding of your digestion and the health of your gut very seriously. The use of whole food nutrition and proper dietary principals is critical.