Understanding the cause of blood clots can help us prevent them. The causes are many, and for the most part, associated with poor health and improper maintenance of the body. This is why taking personal attention to your health is so very important.
Inflammation can cause rough surfaces on your arterial walls, causing platelets to clump together. This is frequently seen with elevated blood sugar. Poor diet and uncontrolled diabetes has the potential to trigger systemic inflammation, resulting in stroke or heart attack.
Elevated blood pressure along with irregular heart beat can cause turbulent blood flow from the heart. Getting evaluated with a device like the heart sound recorder can reveal your heart’s rhythm and health.
Hormone therapy and birth control pills have the potential of causing blood clots. When coupled with smoking, this can be a potential time bomb. Smoking alone is a serious potential cause of stroke and heart attack. Another reason to seriously consider quitting.
Obviously, trauma to the body, including surgery, is one of the greatest potentials of creating blood clots. Sedentary lifestyles increase the risk of clots, as stagnation of blood can stimulate clot formation.
Many times, sitting for long periods on a plane with pressure of the seat against the legs can initiate a condition known as Phlebitis. This is where the vessels in the legs become inflamed. Couple this with lower oxygen availability in a plane, and you have some real problems. If you’re on a long flight, get out of your seat often and move about the cabin.
Inflammation in the veins of the legs is what’s known as deep vein thrombosis. Clots develop in the legs and can travel to the heart, then the lungs before coming back to the heart and potentially to the brain. Any small capillary along the way can become blocked by these clots, resulting in death to the tissues served.
Protecting your cardiovascular system involves good health practices. Maintaining healthy pH, blood fats, mineral status, hydration, and reducing all causes of inflammation can go a long way toward preventing clot formation.
There are so many views on pH, that this subject is often far from the truth. Systemic alkalosis can be a serious problem. I’ve had patients get on the alkaline water kick and actually create more problems than they had before. The use of proper acid forming salts can improve the body’s ability to fight infections and even cancer. If the blood becomes too alkaline, it can’t absorb and transport both calcium and oxygen effectively.
Fats are critical to health. At one time, medical understanding was that fat caused clots. In reality, keeping the blood from clotting improperly can be accomplished by maintaining good levels of the correct fats. In many cases, marine lipids are an excellent choice in keeping the blood flowing properly.
Our society is one that embraces far more sodium in the diet than healthy chlorides. This isn’t the same as chlorine used in water supplies. The use of supplemental sources of betaine hydrochloride, calcium chloride, and ammonium chloride can help improve mineral status and protect the pH.
Hydration and increased physical activity are areas which most of us can improve on. It’s wonderful to see so many people packing water bottles these days, and taking an active interest in remaining properly hydrated. This is a wonderful first step in the right direction.
Lastly, avoid pro inflammatory foods. Foods with high in sugar, hydrogenated fats, chemical additives, artificial colors and flavors need to be eliminated from the diet. Identifying and correcting cardiovascular challenges with nutrition can keep you on the road to health.