When we think of calcium availability, we’ve been conditioned to think of obtaining it from cow’s milk. We’ve all been subjected to the advertisement that asks the question, “Got Milk?” This implies that milk is responsible for having strong bones. This was valid in the past.
Milk, un-altered by pasteurization and homogenization, doesn’t just contain the required calcium to strengthen bones and boost immunity, but contains the alkaline phosphate required to absorb calcium into bones. Milk fats, contained in raw milk, contains vitamins required to disperse calcium to all the tissue of the body.
The use of pasteurization isn’t to insure safe milk, but to relieve the dairy industry of the ridged standards to produce clean, bacteria free milk. Since the inception of pasteurization, the allowable bacterial contamination is 10,000 parts per milliliter. Clean raw milk usually runs under 500 parts bacteria per milliliter.
When milk is pasteurized, it’s heated until there’s no more activity of the enzyme alkaline phosphatase. That’s right, there’s no test to see if there’s any bacteria present, it’s to insure the health providing alkaline phosphatase has been destroyed.
Now can you see why so many kids, consuming lots of milk end up with increased bacterial infections? Increased foreign bacteria coupled with reduced calcium availability cripples the t-cells, impairing immune function. This gives credence to the connection between modern milk consumption and the increase in ear infections.
Milk allergies set up when this dead protein coupled with increased bacteria are presented to the body in an absence of the critical calcium and enzymes needed to provide immune protection. It's been proven that calves fed on pasteurized milk fail to thrive. Just as these are mammals, so are we.
Why are we called mammals? Because we have mammary glands and make food for our young. This food is nourishing provided it hasn't been adulterated. We’re the only mammals on the planet that destroys the value of our food before we consume it.
When calcium is no longer readily available to the cells, your body will mobilize calcium from your warehouse (your skeleton) to keep your muscles and nerves functioning. When these levels drop too low, the brain contacts the parathyroid glands, and insist they mobilize calcium from bones to fulfill the metabolic requirements.
When your system has taken over maintaining calcium balance of your body by activating parathormone, internal alkaline phosphatase is released into the blood stream and calcium is leached from the bones to fulfill metabolic needs. Your body will keep doing this till your bones are totally depleted of calcium just to keep your heart beating and your lungs filling. This is a foundation of osteoporosis. Fever is your body’s attempt to free calcium from bones.
Your blood test may show adequate levels of calcium circulating in your blood, while your tissues are starving and bones demineralizing. Also seen in the blood is an elevation of alkaline Phosphatase, signaling the leaching of this calcium from the bones.
A study of the plague showed the growth conditions which affect it’s virulence involved high body temperature and low tissue calcium. The plague and other bacteria love fever and low calcium levels. The 10% of the population that didn’t contract the plague were probably farmers with their own goats and cows, and they drank their raw milk.
When we focus on bomb proofing our families this time of year, we must focus on the triad of immunity. Fully ionized calcium to alert the immune system and draw the phagocytes to the infection, The natural vitamin C complex to arm the white blood cells, and the natural vitamin F complex to drive the ionized calcium into cellular fluids.