Dr Weston Price called arthritis a cooked food disease. He found that when raw proteins were consumed, the body was able to maintain transport of protein bound minerals into the strong structure of bones, resulting in healthy skeletons.
In his travels around the world, seeking answers to why degenerative diseases occurred, his findings are timeless. The archeological discoveries and dietary trends among native peoples from around the world, all spell out why we’re seeing the kind of disease processes in operation today.
In his book, “Nutrition and Physical Degeneration” circa 1939, we see where people eating a traditional, and very simple diet consisting of unprocessed and raw foods yielded excellent health, with none of the degenerative diseases we see today.
Among the skulls and skeletons he examined, he found no evidence of tooth decay or arthritis. The sad thing he did find, was those who’d left the traditional diets and gone to more of the western diets of today all exhibited the diseases of malnutrition which we are seeing today, and increasing exponentially.
When raw proteins are no longer consumed, and these proteins have been folded by the cooking process, they are no longer capable of being implemented into the structure of bone. As you may recall from previous reports, bones consist of one third protein, one third mineral, and one third water. Throwing calcium at the bones without the protein to hold it can’t succeed. Stopping the degradation of old bone because the body can’t make new isn’t the answer.
Prior to the movement that made raw milk illegal, milk was indeed beneficial in the protection and strengthening of the skeleton. Pasteurization destroys the proteins in milk, folding them, making it more of a dead, and in reality, a toxic food. As most will agree, milk and other pasteurized dairy foods will aggravate a cold. This is just one more bacteria laden protein the immune system has to try and clear, resulting in a histamine response.
So, just how do we go about getting raw proteins into the diet. Pasteurization is used to preserve things. Juices that are pasteurized have all the life cooked out of them. If left raw, they tend to ferment on their own. Preservation of our foods in a live state is difficult. In some countries, we see where foods are obtained fresh from the market daily, with very little reliance on refrigeration or any other kind of preservation. In many cases, we see where these people have much healthier systems than us here in America.
Living in the northern climates we find that many root foods have excellent nourishment available. In the case of the Eskimo’s which Dr Price investigated, they lived on fish, seal, and whale blubber. Doesn’t sound all that appetizing, and when we look at the cholesterol myth, we’d expect them to be dropping dead of heart disease. Surprisingly enough, these people were exceedingly healthy with great blood pressure and wonderful stamina.
The unfortunate thing he found throughout the world was how many of the various members of these cultures had left their traditional foods for more of the western diet, and were suffering all the disease conditions we see in our country.
Once we see breakdown of bone structure with it’s DNA released into the blood stream, we see the makings of autoimmune activity seen in osteoarthritis. Here is where the body has made antibodies against bone, and as long as there is leakage of DNA into the blood, there will be an active attack. The appropriate action is to use the oral antigen of bone to call off the attack on the bones while supplying raw bone determinants to allow the bones to heal and stop leaking antigens into the system.
When we think about allowing for good protein to be digested and absorbed into the system, we need to have adequate hydrochloric acid available in the stomach to do it’s job. I have a physiology question I like to ask patients: A deficiency of what one substance in the human body leads to the greatest number of pathways to death? (The answer is Hydrochloric acid) Do you think this to be why antacid medications say: can cause osteoporosis? Worse is the practice of bypassing the stomach altogether.