Hundreds of people in about ten states have been hospitalized with serious and sometimes fatal bleeding linked to this synthetic cannabis. The products are being sold in gas stations and convenience stores under names like K2 and Spice. The additive of brodifacoum is intended to prolong the duration of the high.
Patients who’ve been using these synthetics have presented with a variety of signs and symptoms associated with easy or excessive bleeding. These included bruising, nosebleeds, excessively heavy menstrual bleeding, hematuria, flank pain, abdominal pain, and bleeding from the gums and mouth.
More than 95 biological samples from patients tested positive for brodifacoum. The effects of brodifacoum are treatable if addressed properly, and the FDA said people who use synthetic marijuana products should be vigilant for signs of bleeding and should seek immediate medical attention. One of the greatest dangers involves patients who are already on anticoagulant therapy. When using one of these synthetics on top of it, all it takes is a minor trauma to bleed to death.
Remembering a friend on anticoagulant therapy who crashed his motorcycle. He bled out so quickly from internal hemorrhage that nothing could be done by the paramedics to save him. Considering why one would use these synthetics in an attempt to get a long lasting high, the potential of being involved in an automobile accident and bleeding out is increased, especially if they’ve been put on an anticoagulant.
Another concern regarding these products is the potential of contaminating the blood supply from blood donors. The FDA has received several reports of contaminated blood products from donors. Remembering some of the tactics of sailors during my enlistment who would sell blood to buy alcohol, it would make sense the same tactics are employed today as a means of obtaining a high.
The use of cannabinoids medically have shown merit when it comes to alleviating pain and in treatment of cancers. In cases of medically beneficial cannabis, the CBD component is what provides medicinal benefits. The medicinal CBD products are different from, and don’t contain the THC components sought after for the marijuana high. The THC components are found in those products containing brodifacoum.
To say that I’m against marijuana use, you would have to identify in what form. I presently have patients who are benefiting greatly from the use of the CBD oils. The argument that it’s an herb, and therefore safe won’t work. Belladonna is an herb, and when used as a homeopathic, is safe. Taken straight it will kill you. It’s known as Deadly Nightshade! Foxglove is a beautiful flower. It contains digitoxin. This in very small amounts can correct heart irregularities. Too much and it will stop your heart.
The understanding of herbal contents and actions are important. We rely on herbs, safe in high levels, to protect patients and prevent accidental poisoning if the kids get ahold of them. In lieu of using digitalis, I prefer the use of hawthorn. Instead of using very small doses of belladonna, I prefer to support vascular health with Horse chestnut and butcher’s broom. These are just a few of the herbs which can be used without danger.
The use of cannabis in homeopathic dilution can assist healing, especially in urinary cases, while avoiding the dangerous unwanted effects of altering consciousness. For those who desire the recreational use of this herb, be forewarned that there are some synthetic strains out there which can set you or your kids up for disaster.