Measles is an acute communicable viral disease which has three stages. (1) the incubation stage of approximately ten to twelve days with few if any signs or symptoms. (2) a prodromal stage in which a rash of small red spots can occur in the mouth and throat called Koplik’s spots, accompanied by a rising temperature. There can be a degree of pink eye, increased mucous secretions, and a cough. (3) the final stage with erupting maculo-papular rash over the the neck, body, face, arms, and legs, accompanied by high fever.
Complications can include otitis media (inner ear infection), and pneumonia. In rare cases there’s been encephalitis, usually secondary to a spiking, uncontrolled fever.
Quarantine is of little value due to a high communicability of the disease durning the prodromal stage, when it’s not suspected. The greatest threat is due to secondary infections from invading bacteria, which are easily killed in an acidic system. For this reason, dietary measures are your best defense.
So, when dealing with any communicable disease, the best offense is a good defense. The following is good advise to anyone whether they be vaccinated, non-vaccinated, or going to be vaccinated. The latter appears inevitable here in Oregon as the ability to opt out of vaccines appears to be going away. With a strong press to eliminate exemptions, we see a governor who’s already indicated she will sign house bill 3063 when it comes across her desk.
When dealing with any fever, the first consideration should be, why’s there fever in the first place. As a means of increasing calcium to allow for white blood cell function, the body will spike a fever, liberating calcium from the bones. To assist the body in fighting any infection, insuring adequate calcium can reduce the degree of fever. Vitamin D aids the uptake of calcium from the gut, so it’s helpful in preventing and limiting infection.
When we observe the stages of transmission, we see involvement of mucous membranes. To strengthen these membranes, vitamin A is critical. The early research into what vitamin A was and did in the body, it was seen in both animal and human studies that sinus and upper respiratory infections, especially inner ear infections occurred when vitamin A was lacking. Knowing that otitis media (an inner ear infection), is one of the co-morbid problems with measles, maintaining good levels of vitamin A is important to follow. Unfortunately many kids don’t get the green leafy veggies that provide this.
Pneumonia involves the mucous membranes of the lungs. This also greatly depends on a rich supply of vitamin A. With this in mind, any child who’s deficient in both vitamin A and calcium is more at risk of experiencing greater damage from either the vaccination or catching the disease itself. Understanding how to properly nourish our children to help them avoid illness is important.
Yesterday I had a young, unvaccinated patient in the office who had shown early signs of the rash along with some gastrointestinal symptoms common to measles. He comes from a home where good nutrition is ongoing, but at school there’s adequate junk food which mom can’t keep him from. Because of the good foundation of nutrition, the rash only lasted a day and was already fading. No secondary issues had shown up and all indications were that his body was clearing the virus.
The excessive sugars consumed in food and drink dramatically affects calcium balance, and not only opens the door to measles, but to many other diseases. Keeping our kids safe from infection can be a full time job. Our kids tend to crave many foods which are bad for them. Training them with good organic whole foods can assist them in making wise choices when they’re older.
Protecting against preservatives and additives in the vaccines is perhaps one of the scariest for those who’ve researched outside of mainstream medicine. Doctors who’ve documented vaccine damage to patients have been ridiculed, ostracized, and made to look unscientific in their findings. It’s unfortunate when freedoms become compromised in any area.
When protecting against elements like mercury and aluminum in vaccines (which we’re continually told are either not there or minimal), there are measures we can take which help to clear these from the body safely. These include garlic, hawthorn, and milk thistle. Antivirals like vitamin C and St John’s wort are a great place to start in protecting your health. Vaccinated or not, your health is your responsibility, not someone else’s. Be proactive in your children’s and your own health.