Today, what the peasants ate is hard to come by, unless you’re educated in nutrition and actively pursue healthy eating habits, and eat out of your own garden. Now, what’s considered healthy and affordable foods, are in reality, highly refined, overly advertised imitations, masquerading as food, and easily obtained in your every-day supermarket.
Gout is a type of arthritic manifestation where uric acid crystals deposit in the tissues. This is frequently seen in the joint of the large toe, but can occur anywhere in the body. Uric acid seen under a microscope looks like little tiny needles, and for the sufferer, feels like that’s exactly what’s in there.
Failure to clear uric acid from the body can indicate poor kidney function, or overload at the liver. Because of this, diet is an area which can’t be ignored. As I mentioned above, too many refined foods set the stage for manifestation of gout.
Since the uric acid crystals of gout create painful inflammation, the body responds by throwing calcium into the mix, to balance out the pH in those tissues. Because of this, we eventually see enlargement and disfiguration of the joint, which is consistent with the arthritic aftermath of this condition if left untreated. The other potential problem comes from calcium deposits on arterial walls, setting up atherosclerosis and hypertension. Other areas of concern include kidney stones, resulting in further blood pressure problems.
Back in the early 1940’s, pH testing was done with clinical pH meters made by National Technical Laboratories of Pasadena, California. Electrodes were built into a syringe that could monitor blood pH independent of being exposed to air. Blood exposed to the air will lose CO2 within two minutes, causing the pH rise, thus creating problems getting an accurate reading.
Maintaining a balanced acid/alkaline diet is more important than focusing on just one aspect. Too much alkalinity is as much of a threat as too much acidity. A high pH tends to throw calcium out of solution in your body fluids, resulting in many conditions of inflammation, which range from bursitis to neuritis. Lacking the full vitamin C complex, unsaturated fatty acids, and vitamin D, aggravates the entire condition, since these participate in proper calcium distribution.
The clinical significance of correcting pH in cases of arthritis came in the late 1940‘s when use of a combination of aspirin, caffeine, phenacetin and ammonium chloride were compounded and given to arthritic patients, resulting in successful control of their arthritic pain. When the same support was given without the ammonium chloride, benefits were lost.
The mechanism of ammonium chloride in the body is due to the break down into ammonia and hydrochloric acid in the blood after absorption. The ammonia becomes urea, which stabilizes osmotic pressure across membranes, reducing swelling and pain, and the hydrochloric acid assists in reducing the pH, restoring proper balance.
When employing ammonium chloride for this kind of work, calcium chloride is found to be a valuable synergist, aiding the balance of calcium in the tissues. Ammonium chloride is a natural constituent of gastric juices. Due to so many acid blockers used in todays heartburn medicines, this crucial element tends to be lacking in many individuals.
Citrus fruits contain a highly alkaline ash along with high levels of organic acid. The fruit initially will soothe the hyper alkalinity by way of the citric acid, but later in the day, after the citric acid has been oxidized as fuel, the result is an even greater alkaline state due to the ash left behind, resulting in greater pain and inflammation.
Balancing buffers and mineral salts in tissue fluids greatly impacts metabolic energy and the transfer of nutrients and waste material within the body. Gout patients should always maintain a diet containing a preponderance of potassium. Sodium promotes the precipitation of sodium urate in the tissues. Potassium on the other hand, drives what’s known as the sodium pump, clearing these concretions from the tissues. Best potassium source--the peasants vegetables.
In my practice, ammonium chloride / calcium chloride are fundamental in many cases where correction of pH is critical to recovery of many inflammatory conditions. Thank you Standard Process for products that are able to address these conditions.