Today’s generation has been duped into thinking that following perverted thoughts and deeds is the in-thing, and required to fit in.
When I was away from home in boot camp, I wanted to find where I fit in. I got involved in rodeo and the rodeo crowd. Because of that I started drinking and using snuff. These acts weren’t what I grew up with, but I wanted to fit in. Eventually I got separated from that crowd but I still enjoy rodeo.
Mental health is critical to physical health. How we think impacts our physical bodies. Our younger generation is being pulled in too many directions, hoping to find acceptance.
When stores and various venues promote perverted lifestyles, it doubles down on this already wrong thinking. Thankfully there are those in the world who aren’t willing to compromise truth, and are speaking out with their pocketbooks. I love the saying, “Go woke and go broke” This is happening to businesses like Disney, Budweiser, as well as stores like Target.
I’ve not found it hard to avoid these places, and vote with my wallet. The mental and emotional health of our kids goes beyond just the foods they eat and the supplements they’re given. When Sesame Street begins to force elements of doubt and deception over our children, we need to be proactive at guarding them from harm. Monitor kids shows and limit exposure to toxic material.
It’s bad enough our school system has been indoctrinating our youth with wrong ideas, but these are invading our homes through media which used to be safe and innocent. Our kids are impressionable and it’s our job as parents to guide and protect them while they’re maturing.
The physical health I’m attempting to improve in my patients is directly impacted by the thoughts they embrace. The hypothalamus I’ve talked about before is where we modulate our thoughts into physical response. With adults, the stresses we encounter just living daily life is enough to impact our endocrine and autonomic nervous systems.
When we introduce conflicting information to children, the foundation that’s been laid gets challenged. The cerebral cortex is where reasoning takes place and is then acted on by the hypothalamus. When the ability to reason is impaired, and conflicting data is being consumed, the outcome is bound to be distorted. Drugs can’t fix this.
When basic nutrients like the essential fatty acids are deficient, we can experience what would look like a short circuit in an electrical application. The myelin sheath of the nerves and the foundational fats of the brain require DHA which is found in Omega 3 fatty acids. These are in one of my favorites like cod liver oil, and especially in tuna omega oil.
If you can imagine the outcome of stripping the insulation off electrical wiring and what the outcome would be. That’s essentially the interference we see when these fatty acids are missing. The use of trans fats in the diet as seen with hydrogenated fats, strips the insulation off the nerves, leaving the brain and nervous system vulnerable to challenges.
The use of junk foods for our kids can leave them more vulnerable to suggestions which they otherwise would question. Here’s one area we can be proactive in the mental and emotional health of our kids. Because of the long half life of these hydrogenated fats, the change isn’t seen over night.
It’s critical to restrict hydrogenated fats from the diet completely while getting the high DHA fats into the system. When this is adhered to, changes in behavior can usually be seen around day sixteen as this is the average half life of these bad fats.
When dealing with ADD and ADHD, often times this is the one greatly beneficial treatment to aid in improved brain function. Since these good fatty acids are critical to proper hormone balance, the gender confusion which groomers are counting on can be dramatically reduced. Every hormone our body produces begins with fats. Wrong fats, impaired hormone balance.
Because the maturation of the brain depends on this DHA, the Omega 3 fatty acids are a primary nutrient during pregnancy and after as a means of maintaining high DHA levels in lactation.
Since my ability to think is critical to my practice, I consider the use of my cod liver oil to be primary to the foundation of healthy practice. I always want a clear, uncluttered mind at all times. The ability to think clearly and concisely is important to me and especially to you.