This is the pattern of many scientific discoveries. They are first feared, attacked, eventually accepted, and then promoted. Don’t you know that Thomas Edison and Nicola Tesla were thought to be crazy until their scientific wisdom was proven and accepted.
Samuel Hahnemann, the father and founder of homeopathic medicine was ridiculed in his time, but this didn’t alter the path of his genius. The premise of Like Cures Like, motivated him to persevere, and because of that, the practice of using highly diluted elements to stimulate change in the organism, “safely” continues to be used today. Because of it’s effectiveness, we even see modern homeopathic remedies advertised on television.
Frequencies are capable of creating and healing, and frequencies are also able to destroy. When we speak, we release frequencies. These can either be both good or bad. Music can change the molecular structure of water, as seen in experiments where the use of an electron microscope revealed crystalline structure of the water after being exposed to various types of music. Remember, water is the most abundant element in your body.
All matter consists of energy. The frequency of that energy determines how we perceive the element. The frequency of a rock is much lower than that of water or light. The broad spectrum of light gives us various colors to appreciate. Studies have shown how different colors (frequencies) affect our endocrine system as well as our nervous system and brain. Color therapy has long been a viable treatment for many ailments.
One of the most common organ problems is liver congestion. The color purple is relaxing to the liver, while the color green is stimulating. For an over active thyroid, the color indigo is relaxing, while a sluggish thyroid is stimulated by the color orange. With this in mind, the colors you surround yourself with can have a profound effect on your health.
Focusing light frequencies with a laser can be healing, as can be seen with cold lasers which can quickly heal wounds, or a laser that can cut out cancerous tissue. Focusing light energy can be accomplished using colored lenses. Using the wrong colors can actually aggravate an already existing problem.
Although frequencies exist beyond our physical senses, they’re still present and affect our body. This is one major concern using cell phones and wireless technology. The sixty cycle hum you hear around high tension power lines and major transformer stations affect the body in a negative way. Our bodies resonate at a much higher level than that, and over time, these frequencies can have a detrimental effect on the body.
The use of homeopathic medicine relies on the inherent frequencies of the plant, animal, or mineral world. Because these frequencies are beyond detection of instruments used in general medicine, the concept has been refused by conventional medicine. Even though Hahnemann wasn’t able to demonstrate these frequencies, he understood and developed this science,finding he could get consistent results observing the nature of the element he was using.
Using homeopathic medicine is an art in which the practitioner must know the remedy used and match it to the patient and symptoms elicited. The frequency of the remedy resonates with the person and eliminates the frequency of the disease. Just as the string on a violin will vibrate at the same frequency of a note played on another instrument, cells resonate with the homeopathic remedy employed to remove disease.
I’ve enjoyed using these powerful medicines to create healthy changes in patients.