The Book of Genesis tells of the cycle of life here on earth. With spring in full bloom, it’s Seedtime for sure. The benefits of having fresh food growing for you and your family goes much deeper than just saving money at the grocery store.
On growing up, our family grew a large garden which was a powerful aid in feeding a family of eleven. The fresh foods and those we canned were instrumental in providing the foundation of excellent health each of us nine kids enjoy today.
A beautiful lawn is nice, and pleasant to look at, but unless you’re a goat or cow, it can’t feed you and benefit your overall health. If you have the space to use, the effort you put into growing a lawn could be put into growing healthy food instead.
Since seeds are required to grow your food, we often forget the role of the ground. I’m sure you’ve heard the statement, “this acorn has an oak tree in it.” To be correct, that’s not quite true. The seed holds the instructions for the ground to create the oak tree.
The plant is no better than the ground the seed is planted in. In the parable Jesus shared of the sower, we see the only place any fruit grew was on good ground. Unfortunately, most commercial farming is performed on played out soils, with minimal nutrition.
Because plants don’t thrive in nutrient poor soil, genetically modified seeds were created in an attempt to create something out of nothing. These genetically altered plants grow, but fail to contain the nutrient density originally present. Because of this, eating these genetically altered foods fails to fulfill the nutritional demands of our bodies. Over the years we have seen an increase in deficiency diseases.
When the genetic structure of our bodies, ( which could be compared to seeds ) fails to have the proper soils to grow healthy cell structure in, we see where an eventual genetic drift could exist as a means of prolonging life. Unfortunately, this results in suboptimal life. For this, we need to consider obtaining the full compliment of nutrition to sustain the healthiest of genetic structure. This means avoiding so many of the commercially produced foods which are grown on depleted soils.
The book “Empty Harvest” by Dr Bernard Jensen is an eye opener and even though published some 20 plus years ago, is more true today than ever. Dr. Jensen shows how interconnected we are with the earth, and how this connection is being destroyed. In this eye-opening account of the inherent dangers in our agricultural system, Jensen looks at the ecological and subsequent health related problems hidden from the general public at the time. Empty Harvest reveals just what the total problem was and still is.
That being said, unless you’re growing your own food on rich healthy soil, or obtaining nutrient rich organic foods, chances are you’re not getting all the nutrition your cells require to sustain internal growth from your genetic seeds. Having good genes is like having good seeds. If the soil is deprived, healthy genetic expression will be altered. If you haven’t space for a garden, make friends with someone who has a one.
I’m cutting this one short as I need to get out in the garden and get some seeds sown. I’m blessed that my chickens work up the soil in my garden area each year as their run and my garden switch places each year. I then add wood chips on top of the garden to maintain the topsoil and moisture to the roots.
For more information on how to create excellent soil and establish a low maintenance garden, go to