Moods and emotions dynamically impact our gut flora, and our gut flora impacts moods and emotions. This is a two way street like the chicken and the egg scenario, where it’s sometimes hard to determine which came first.
In attempting to correct food allergies, it’s critical to get a good history to see where our system got off track. Restoring gut health is critical to restoring systemic health.
Your initial gut flora is established as you pass through the birth canal. This action is critical in setting up the “second brain,” which directs and empowers every aspect of digestion, energy utilization, mental and emotional balance, and immune function. In cases where the mother’s flora is off, we see a shaky beginning.
In a C Section delivery, the baby doesn’t get that loading dose of bacteria that should have been seeded into the gut when passing through the birth canal. This is also an issue when the mother’s gut flora is disturbed.
When antibiotics become too commonplace, the overall health of the person suffers. Unfortunately, the average number of courses of antibiotics from birth to age of one is 2.73. By age nine, that number jumps up to a cumulative number of 10.9 courses of antibiotics. This number continues to climb in many who look to mainstream medicine to correct their disease status without taking full inventory of what’s really going on.
Your microbiome, or gut flora, dynamically influences genetic expression. As I’ve mentioned before, genes load the gun, lifestyle pulls the trigger. We may carry genes that predispose us to diseases like cancer, heart disease, or diabetes, but unless those genes get expressed, the disease may never manifest.
The bacteria L. Helveticus with B. Longum are part of the natural flora which reduces psychological distress and reduces urinary free cortisol output. That, as you may recall is the stress hormone from the adrenal glands. In chronic fatigue, the bacteria L. Casei helps decrease anxiety.
Could the massive reliance on anti-anxiety and antidepressant drugs be simply due to a severely faulty gut? How about the dependance on drugs used for our kids with ADD and ADHD? Dependance on antibiotics when not essential, and in our foods is breaking the bank. Fix the gut and spare the child. This we can do!