Although the practice of removing various organs like the gallbladder, spleen, stomach, appendix, tonsils, and adenoids may impair how well the body functions, these surgeries aren’t usually an immediate cause of death.
Your liver on the other hand, is responsible for the conversion of what you eat into nutrition for your body. Among many other functions, it creates the back up fuel called glycogen, which assists in keeping your blood sugar from fluctuating, maintaining a healthy metabolism.
Any toxic elements you may encounter, either ingested, absorbed through the skin, or created internally gets dismantled and neutralized in the liver. After this is done, the basic elements left over, which are inert and have no negative effect on the body, are eliminated through the various routes of elimination. This includes the bowel, kidneys, lungs, and skin.
Should the liver fail to neutralize these toxic elements from the blood, they begin to create damage to any and all tissues serviced by your blood. Instead of bringing nutrition to the cells, now poisons are being delivered. The organs of normal elimination now get burdened with toxic chemicals which can, over time, create severe damage to these organs.
I always consider any kind of kidney damage as a down stream injury of liver dysfunction. Respiratory damage also can have it’s foundation in the liver failing to clear chemistry that ends up as gaseous clearance through the lungs.
Chronic skin problems are alway an area in which I take into account the role of the liver. Since the liver is involved in the chemistry of sulfur metabolism, when this fails, there will be an overload of sulfur in the skin, creating multiple skin symptoms.
Among the many amino acids your body requires, Those with sulfur are critical to the skin, hair, and nails. Sulfur makes up the amino acids; Cysteine, Methionine, Lysine, Glutathione, and Taurine. Your liver is instrumental in the balance of these amino acids. If overloaded, and not capable of doing it’s job here, the synthesis of collagen and formation of body tissue will be impaired. These sulfur containing amino acids prevent the drying out and aging of the skin.
If the liver fails to be able to perform it’s job of what’s called sulfonation, we will see various problems like sensitivity to high sulfur foods like those of the cruciferous family. Also included in this list is garlic and onions. All of these foods are excellent for the health of the body unless the liver is failing at it’s job.
So, what can create these problems resulting in dermatitis, eczema, poor bile production or even a fat allergy? Obviously, any toxic exposure, be it ingested, inhaled, absorbed, or even internally produced.
When looking at internally created, the greatest cause that I often see is that of auto-intoxication from a toxic bowel. Constipation is pretty much rampant with the refined, fiber void foods of today. Couple that with inadequate water intake and the over-use of antibiotics, and you have a recipe for disaster.
Often times, clearing the bowels will result in a clear complexion. Inability to consume healthy foods due to the liver’s failure to convert your nutrition into life giving substances has caused many to avoid healthy foods due to their body’s response. This is when looking to the liver and it’s health is critical.
When dealing with any long standing illness, alway consider the role of your liver, and how to take the load off of it while providing healthy nutrition to correct the function. I’ve used S-adenosylmethionine, known as SAMe to improve sulfonation in the liver with great results.