With the vaccine requirements pushed on the families, many kids will have had booster shots which now makes them disease carriers. I remember the time my daughter ended up with whooping cough after a classmate had been vaccinated.
It’s the same with the proposed flu season. We see where the push is on to get your flu shot well in advance of any sign of an influenza outbreak. As more people get the shot, the numbers of those getting the flu increase. It seems like a no brainer that the immunizations are actually initiating the strain of flu each season.
So, what can we do to protect us and our kids from whatever harmful viral or bacterial conditions are out there?
Our first line of defense is to maintain a clean system. The greatest achievement in history for warding off disease hasn’t been some fancy immunization, antibiotic, or even vitamin for that fact, but good hygiene. When doctors began to wash their hands between patients, they lost far fewer in surgery from sepsis.
A clean garbage can may have bacteria on it, but without something to grow on, that bacteria isn’t thriving. A system which is sluggish with poor bowel function is one which will allow the wrong kind of bacteria to thrive. Constipation allows for all kinds of health ailments. To avoid this, good hydration along with adequate fiber can greatly help. If there’s a history of antibiotic use, it may be essential to rebuild the intestinal flora. This can be accomplished with both prebiotics and probiotics. Sometimes we need to use specific herbal support to knock out the wrong inhabitants first, which may be setting up chronic disease.
Since the immune system requires specific nutrition, diets lacking in things like healthy fats, calcium, vitamins A, C, B, and D can leave our kids open for all kinds of infections. This is why just feeding some cereal in the morning can leave your child vulnerable to whatever meets them at school. I know that it takes additional time to prepare healthy meals for your family, but the time you could have to spend with a sick child can be avoided.
Our immune system requires calcium to fight infections. A fever is the body’s attempt to raise the temperature as a means of releasing calcium from your bones so your white blood cells will have something to combat infection. Often times, increasing calcium in a bioavailable form can cut a fever short.
To absorb calcium into the blood stream from the gut, we have to have adequate levels of vitamin D. When this is lacking, we see not only increased infections, but an increase in cancer. It’s been shown that adequate vitamin D can help protect against both breast and prostate cancer. I’ve seen in my practice that the majority of patients aren’t only low in vitamin D, but seriously low in it. As we approach school time, we’re getting shorter and shorter days with less and less opportunity to get good sun exposure.
Besides good calcium and vitamin D intake, we need the polyunsaturated fatty acids to deliver calcium into the tissues. Without it, calcium availability is reduced, allowing for more illnesses, and we may see an increase in cramping as well as swelling of the prostate in men. When the milling industry began to remove the natural oils from grains, we began to see more disease, and greater bone loss with age.
One of my favorite nutritional support for school age patients contains both vitamins A and C, calcium lactate, thymus extract, and some ribonucleic acid. This with some additional flax seed oil can do wonders to protect both our kids and ourselves while others are getting sick with whatever is coming down the pike.
Lastly, I created a botanical tincture thirty three years ago, which is a combination of immune enhancing, lymphatic drainage, mucous membrane protective, and respiratory support. This botanical has been a lifesaver for countless patients and their kids. Check it out. The tincture is my cold and flu liquid and can be obtained from our office by letting my receptionist know you want some.