Being an end of the year activity, it prepares us for what’s to come in the new year. Much like taking inventory in the office, taking inventory of one’s life is important in deciding what’s needed if we’re going to move forward and not backward. Seeing what doesn’t work and hasn’t worked in the past is critical to success. Weeding out unnecessary activities and emotions which bog us down can create a much freer life.
For some, the use of a diary can be excellent in finding out which of those actions taken in the previous year were positive or negative. Only by evaluating our progress and how we got there can we move ahead. My mother wrote every day in her diary about her life and her loved ones. If I ever wanted to know what happened, when it happened, or where it happened, I could go to her massive volumes of writings.
In recent years I’ve had to face the fact that I don’t need to keep everything. Building a bigger garage to store a bunch of junk is ridiculous. In most cases, when I need an item I stashed, I can’t find it and end up having to buy another one.
Our health is one of those areas where we need to avoid clutter. The more simply we live, the healthier we will be. Although the function of our body is highly complex, our Creator made caring for it simple.
As long as we don’t mess with the normal functions of the body: eating healthy foods, getting moderate activity, consuming clean water, getting adequate rest, and breathing fresh air really manages to foot the bill. It’s when we interfere with normal healthy functions that we set the stage for sickness and disease.
There are those, so focused on genetics that they actually begin to see themselves with the diseases of their families. This can become a self fulfilling prophesy. The scripture verse, “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he” is very true, and our thoughts become the very blueprint our brain uses to direct metabolic function.
Taking inventory of our life includes checking our thoughts. Are we allowing fear or faith to be the driving force in our lives. When there have been those in the family with severe disease processes, what mindset will we adopt? I’ve always said, “genes load the gun, lifestyle pulls the trigger.” I’ve known many people with loaded guns all over the house, and none of them have gone off.
When I speak of lifestyle, this includes not just dietary choices, but attitudes as well. As I’ve stated before, different emotions can cripple different parts of the body. We’ve all had events in life that were unpleasant. What we do with that is our responsibility. When cleaning out the trash that bogs us down, we may have to let go of many aspects of our past. Although those things are part of your identity, don’t you agree that taking on a fresh new, clean identity makes a lot more sense?
Forgiveness is at the heart of healing. When Jesus spoke to his disciples, He instructed them in how to speak to the mountains in their lives and expect them to move out of their way. When He finished telling them how to speak to it and not doubt in their heart that it would move, He then said to forgive any you have ought against. Without love, faith is powerless. Without faith, fear will dominate your life and create the blueprint of your health.
Taking inventory of your life can allow you to see where you’ve been missing it and begin to live a more abundant, healthy life, free of many of the sicknesses the world faces. I rarely ever experience any symptoms of sickness, although I’m around it daily. I truly believe attitude is paramount to staying well. Those who maintain a joyful attitude seem to rarely ever get sick. After all, the verse that says “A merry heart does good like a medicine” is true.