I make comment on this as a physician dedicated to preserving life. My commitment is about the life of all people. The horrific slaughter of these Jews is unspeakable. Even this atrocity has been exceeded over the last fifty years through the destruction of over sixty million babies, instituted because of the hatred Margaret Sanger held against blacks.
She’s the one who started Planned Parenthood, placing these facilities in black communities, implying they were to protect the health of women, when in reality it was to kill black babies. Planned Parenthood has never been and still is not about the health and safety of women. It’s to murder the unborn.
We see where hatred against people really knows no boundaries of race or color, but uses these issues as reasons to destroy life. When we see states encouraging women to come to them to end their pregnancy, they fail to make any reference to the fact they’re killing a human being.
When Roe vs Wade was overturned, it’s sad to see that many churches never shared this as a victory with their congregations. Often nothing was said from the pulpit. As Americans, if we continue to be silent about the atrocities in our nation, we will eventually end up just like Nazi Germany.
When I deal with the health of a person, I have to emphasize the fact the brain controls the body and not the other way around. Emotions establish biochemical balances or imbalances in the body. We see where anxiety greatly influences digestive function. Those under continuous stress are more apt to suffer from ulcers. That’s a universal fact most everyone is aware of.
Hatred actually creates damage to the liver. There’s a saying that hating someone is like drinking poison hoping the other person dies. The poison is in you, not them.
Many times I’ve felt emotions which didn’t go away until I opened my mouth and got rid of them. There’s a saying that buried emotions never die or go away. With the state of affairs in our nation, there are many dealing with anxiety and depression, relying on chemicals to offset or cover up these emotions. As long as these issues go unaddressed, they’ll continue to live in the system.
In dealing with domestic situations where patients are suffering various symptoms, it’s critical to establish what their home life as well as work environment is doing to them. Often, not having clear lines of communication with a spouse, children, boss, or associates can be causing biochemical imbalances which they expect me to correct by dispensing something, hopefully not another drug.
When there’s an illness, it’s critical to know what a person is consuming as well as what is consuming that person. What we feed on, both as nourishment for the physical body as well as what we consume through our eyes and ears greatly impacts our physical and emotional systems.
On the flight to Hawaii last month, I watched the first season of the Chosen on my laptop. Seeing the lives and responses of the disciples as they were with Jesus was inspirational. Recognizing how a bunch of misfits they were and yet Jesus chose them, gave hope for myself. It was interesting to see that Jesus called James and John the sons of thunder. Both being rather hot headed to begin with, and then to see how they turned out is reassuring.
The company we keep not only affects our character, but it impacts our physical health. Hanging out with angry, bitter people can stir this up in us. It’s not surprising to see that a spirit of bitterness can create cancers in our body. Consuming toxins in our environment can cause cancer, but what we create internally, and consistently can far more create sickness in our bodies.
Being complacent is no way to get healed or to assist the healing of our nation and our world. When I dispense nutrition intended to institute healing in the system, consistency in the use of these medicines is critical to success.
I’ve been asked by my pastor to fill in on February 26th as he and his wife are celebrating 27 years of marriage. Thankfully I’ve been given adequate time to prepare, but even if it was spur of the moment, I know what I’m going to present. We’re to be proactive. The church has been asleep.
More than not, we expect our pastor to do all the work, but his or her job is to raise up the body, (us) to do the work of the ministry. Our daily job is to demonstrate love in every area of our lives. The five fold ministry involves much more than pastoring. If you have a family, you’re to pastor your family. As a teacher, we’re called to teach through our examples. As apostles, we’re called to go into the world and show God’s love. As evangelists, we’re called to bring the lost to Christ. As prophets we’re to share the inspiration God gives each of us. What we do either heals us or hurts us.