There are definite and specific physical responses elicited by our emotions. For instance, fear and shame can have a detrimental affect on the kidneys. A defensive attitude and sense of rejection can affect the large intestine. The heart, the organ we associate with the emotion of love, is affected by joy. A lack thereof can precipitate conditions of heart disease.
While in Texas last weekend for the ‘Chariots of Light’ presidents and area leaders conference, Dr Jerry Savelle spoke on the book he wrote several years ago and has gone around the world called, “If the Devil can’t steal your Joy, he can’t keep your goods.” This is an excellent book, and an easy read.
All too often we allow circumstances to dictate whether we express joy or embrace disappointment, anxiety, or even fear. We have a choice in the emotions we entertain.
What I consistently see around me is an increasing awareness of negative. Regardless of the media source, what sells are stories of doom and gloom. Our world is changing, and with it we see many challenges which can be stressful. With these stresses I see greater and greater dependance on antidepressants, anti-anxiety drugs, sleep aids, alcohol, and illicit drug use.
Although there’s valid uses of medicinal marijuana after the psychoactive components have been removed, there’s an increased dependance on this drug with the psychoactive components present to escape reality. I don’t live in a bubble. I’m very aware of what’s happening in our world, but I choose to focus on those things that stir up joy. My worrying about problems won’t fix them.
Proverbs 17:22 says that a merry heart does good like a medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones. In the bones is a substance known as marrow. This marrow manufactures blood. Your entire life is controlled by your blood. The very life of every organism is in it’s blood. If the source dries up, disease and eventual death is the outcome.
So many times I’ve heard of individuals, given a bad report by a physician and told to get their affairs in order as there was nothing more medicine could do. In response to the doctor’s diagnosis, the person said, “I’m not moved by your report, and I’ll not die the way you said.” Then the person goes out and rents every funny movie they can find and laughes them self well. These incidents aren’t shared by the media but they happen every day.
Psychotic drugs are among the most difficult to get free of. They are extremely addicting and can send a person into a tailspin if they try to quit them cold turkey. For this reason, I’m cautious when assisting patients in weaning off these medications. Just as I’m not going to take crutches away from a man with a broken leg until it’s mended, so it is with these drugs. With the broken leg, crutches may give way to a cane before completely being freed from their support.
Poor health can initiate a lack of joy. In focusing on the role of neurotransmitters, we see where serotonin production (commonly referred to as the happy chemical), drops if protein consumption, digestion, and absorption are impaired. We require proper raw materials for production, and emotions regulate production. Negative emotions can inhibit serotonin production. Self criticism and a negative self image can actually shut down production, fostering a lack of joy.
Living in an environment where people constantly put you down, can seriously impact your health by impacting how you see yourself. Surround yourself with those who lift you up, and do the same for them. This is a health tonic which you can’t buy in a store. One of my jobs as a health coach is to empower people in every aspect of healing. Be an encourager, not a discourager.
In restoring the emotional aspects of health, I have a broad spectrum of help available. I like to insure mineral status is correct since thinking involves electrical nerve impulses. Vitamins play a critical role in both electrical and endocrine function. Herbs can either stimulate or calm, to assist balance of emotions and thought. These can help achieve sleep if it’s one of your problems. Lastly, remember what the off button on your TV remote can accomplish to restore peace and calm in your house. Choose what you watch and listen to wisely.