The shift from reliable, safe herbal medicine to the use of the drugs of today constitutes a great disservice to the patient. We’ve substituted dangerous chemicals for the concentrated foods, initially intended to nourish the body back to health.
The difference is as great as night and day. The use of herbs for medicine began in the Garden of Eden. We see civilizations around the world today that still depend on herbs and the knowledge and wisdom of how to employ them in restoring health.
Our native american brothers and sisters depended solely on herbs they could grow or wildcraft to heal their sick. The wisdom and knowledge of the actions of these herbs were passed down over generations to the healers in their societies. Unfortunately much of this wisdom has been lost among various peoples due to the convenience and availability of synthetic substitutes.
This mode of healing has produced great benefits over centuries without man-made chemical counterfeits. Unfortunately the pharmaceutical community, in it’s attempt to validity their product, has tainted the opinion of the public by labeling herbal medicine as quack medicine.
The term quack refers to “One who professes to have knowledge or skill concerning subjects of which he is ignorant.” Those who’d successfully practiced medicine using these reliable and safe herbs were now being labeled as quacks because they were not implementing the highly toxic offerings made available by pharmaceutical companies. These are the very people that previously were supplying the herbal tinctures.
Herbs heat or cool tissues. They also posses the ability to dry or moisten tissues. This balance of heat, cold, wet, and dry regulate the healthy function of our bodies.
In disease processes, the normal rhythm of heating and cooling or moistening and drying of tissues can be blocked in some way. Restoring function to these tissues can be accomplished with the appropriate application of herbs. Since our food is intended to meet the needs of these functions, improper dietary practices block tissue respiration. Sugars tend to dry out the body, and the resulting inflammation heats up these tissues. When we consider many of the cooling properties of vegetables, we see where these can cool off inflammatory arthritis and the sugars just cause more fire in these tissues.
If you think about the process of respiration, inhalation doesn’t work without exhalation. Yin without the Yang is a state of death. Even though the dead sea receives water from one of the richest, most vital, living bodies of water on the earth, nothing is capable of living there because there is no outflow or what could be considered ‘exhalation’.
If you understand what herbal medicine can accomplish in your body and apply it properly, you can bypass many of the potential deadly consequences of today’s modern pharmaceutical drugs and their laundry list of side effects. This office relies heavily on the highest quality of herbs to restore your health and vitality.
On that note, not all herbal supplements are the same. Just as the density of nutrition in organic foods surpass those commercially grown, herbs grown on deficient soils or with a lack of adequate water or sun can display a lower content of the medicinal properties. This is why I’m very partial to Medi Herb of Australia for the highest quality herbs for my patients.
The combination of highly concentrated whole food nutrition with appropriate herbal support is capable of making dynamic changes in the most stubborn of disease processes. This is where an education in how to work with nature instead of against it is critical to survival in today’s world.