The role of minerals in our body enters into every aspect. They give us both structure and function. When we consider even the proteins, they’re made up of mineral composition. Nitrogen is the element which makes carbon chains into amino acids.
The correct balance of minerals in our body is what allows it to either function or not. Electrical signaling of the nerves is accomplished by ionic shifts, made possible by mineral stores in the nerves. The very action of your heart is dependent on minerals like magnesium, calcium, potassium, and sodium.
Every mineral found in the earth can be found in the human body. Imbalances in any mineral can upset the normal function of the body. Even minerals considered toxic have a role in the body, provided they’re in the micro-levels intended. This includes metals like lead, mercury and cadmium. Unfortunately, due to our toxic environment, these minerals are often in larger concentrations than what they should be to remain healthy.
This brings me to an area which gets abused all too often. Sodium and chloride, known as table salt should be in complex combinations as found in nature. Unfortunately what’s available in most instances is a refined product which creates imbalance in the body.
Sodium is a critical nutrient required by the body to maintain the consistency of body fluids, including the blood and lymph. Besides this, sodium is essential for the proper function of the adrenal glands to help us deal with stress.
When refined salts are consumed, lacking the other minerals, especially lacking potassium, we see issues of edema, heart disease, and a laundry list of other problems. For this reason we see the mainstream medical machine only offering a low salt diet as a solution when the body is actually requiring sodium, but connected to all the other trace minerals.
William A. Albrecht (1888–1974) PhD, chairman of the Department of Soils at the University of Missouri, was the foremost authority on the relation of soil fertility to human health. His research has shown how depleted soils severely impact the nutritional value of the foods we eat. The availability of critical minerals, combined in the proper balance are dynamically altered by modern agricultural methods.
Salt should be consumed, but in a form that doesn’t deplete other minerals. This can be found in things like Celtic sea salt or earth mined salt with the full complement of minerals required by the body. The imbalance only stresses out the kidneys trying to achieve balance.
Organic foods are traditionally grown on unenriched soils. When I state this, I mean soil that can easily support growth without just adding the big four minerals. Here in Northwest Oregon, with the abundance of rain, we tend to have more acidic soil, requiring more organic matter added to restore the healthy pH as well nourishing and sustaining the nitrogen fixers in the soil. These are the natural inhabitants like earth worms.
The chemicals used in major agricultural growing, actually destroys these essential organisms. These are to the soil what our healthy microflora are to digestion and absorption of our foods. Just as we need probiotics, the soil needs organic matter to feed them.
When caring for patients with mineral imbalances I usually use mineral supports I obtain from Standard Process. These are grown in soil which is constantly nourished and maintained. The top soil there is some of the richest in the United States.
Heart irregularities can often be traced back to imbalances in minerals. The thyroid gland requires proper mineral balance, and when out of balance can cause heart problems.