Lifestyle is a major issue with all genetic conditions. As I’ve stated in the past, genes load the gun, but lifestyle pulls the trigger. Notice the phrase in the picture above. MTHFR gene mutation May increase the risk of the following conditions. If it may, then, it may not as well.
I am totally aware of the potential outcomes in health and behavioral changes for people who demonstrate this condition. When properly treated, it’s as though they become a different, more normal person. One in particular became a child the mother loved again.
How many have been placed on psych drugs only because their system wasn’t utilizing folate properly? Can this genetic mutation run in families? Absolutely. When this happens it’s not unusual to see many in the family on SSRI drugs. Why are some not affected? It’s called proper nutrition.
The gene we’re speaking of is responsible for the creation of an enzyme used in processing amino acids. This can impact moods, sleep, energy, metabolism, pain, and the list goes on. It’s also critical in making the active form of folate. Since this is required for the body’s ability to convert an amino acid known as homocysteine to methionine, elevations of homocysteine on blood profiles can be the red flag signaling a problem with this gene.
Elevated homocysteine on blood tests have been more of an indicator of heart problems than a genetic defect for most of the medical community. Although folate deficiency can be a major player in heart disease, it’s worth investigating further with mental and emotional conditions.
When finding elevated homocysteine levels, the treatments for cardiovascular problems really aren’t that different from that of correcting the problems seen in MTHFR. Fix the liver, correct B vitamins, and avoid the synthetic nutrition. And above all, detoxify the person.
Among other things, methionine is used in the production of amino acids. These are used for cell structure as well as neurotransmitters. Our body needs what are called methyl donors, especially in those dealing with genetic challenges. Choline is an excellent methyl donor and is critical in the defatting of the liver. Cruciferous vegetables are rich sources of sulfur, which is a source of methyl donors. Sulfur is found in many foods like eggs. Think of the smell of what would be called rotten egg gas. That’s sulfur. When digestion is off, that’s the smell of the gas produced.
Processing sulfur is the job of the liver. When compromised, it’s common to see the sulfur transferred to the skin, causing burning and inflammation. This is common in eczema and psoriasis. Conditions where the liver has been compromised are conditions where genetic defects can manifest their action. Some who eat and live clean may have the genetic defect yet never manifest any of the problems associated with it. This is the case of the person noted above, mom has the same defect.
Synthetic B vitamins pose a greater difficulty, leading to be where we see manifestation of all the symptoms of the MTHFR gene defect. Because of this, I find it critical to only use the whole food based B vitamins. This is extremely important in the pregnant mother who’s wanting to be pro-active at protecting her baby, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. This is a critical time in the development of the brain, spinal cord, and nervous system. Folic acid is foundational at this time.
Because of the liver’s involvement in managing methylation, detoxifying the liver is where to begin with anyone having the genetic defect. Testing for this gene can be rather expensive. A good blood profile with homocysteine on it can help to reveal any possible challenges.
Avoiding synthetic vitamins is one of the first places to begin. My idea of a good vitamin isn’t Costco. Since I’ve been to the farm and to the production plant at Standard Process, I’ve seen the inside and out of the most natural of supplements which have stood the test of time. 90 years of health products which I’ve benefited from for over fifty years. Now they have a research facility which continues to investigate the benefits of real food on today’s most challenging cases.
If you’ve been diagnosed with this condition, being treated and having benefit, don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. Lets look at correcting metabolism in any area that might have set the stage for the current condition. Just as genes can be damaged, consider if they can be corrected. Our bodies contain information, which if given the right materials, can repair themselves.