The famous Dr John Bastyr, who delivered me, had a procedure which I also use, involving internal manipulation of the bones of the skull, restoring circulation and drainage to the mucous membranes of the sinuses. This along with specific botanical components can stimulate shrinkage of these polyps.
When we investigate the cause of a polyp, understanding the anatomy and physiology of mucous membranes is critical. Treatment must identify causes, and address them if we’re to see any lasting cure. This holds true with rectal polyps as well. Simply removing them surgically without correcting the cause allows them to regrow. Just like cutting dandelions without removing roots.
While in San Diego over the weekend, I talked to a family member, struggling with nasal polyps which are seriously blocking air passage through his nose. The AMA hasn’t given him any lasting help, so, I decided to do this article just for him.
In the early 1900’s it was discovered that a lack of vitamin A caused swelling of nasal membranes, allowing for repeated infections. These infections weaken membranes to the point that any potential allergen can pass through and irritate the tissues. When this happens, there’s a release of histamine, which in turn causes more swelling. With swelling, there’s poor circulation of blood as well as impaired lymphatic drainage. This leads to even more swelling and repeated infection of these tissues.
So, what's a person to do when these issues are already present? Avoiding the problem in the first place with a good diet is preferred, but when the problem already exists, there are steps one can take to reverse and correct the condition. Reversal usually isn’t rapid, but diligence pays off in the end.
First, focusing on detoxification of the body is important. Since mucous membranes extend from the mouth and nostrils to the anus, issues of constipation must be addressed. A toxic colon absorbs waste mater into mucous membranes and impacts all membranes of the body. Clearing the bowel and restoring liver clearance is paramount in returning your membranes back to normal.
Avoidance of known allergens helps lower histamine levels, resulting in reduced swelling. A purification protocol which we use in our office is designed to eliminate allergy creating foods from the diet, while restoring liver, kidney, and digestive function. After finishing this cleanse, challenging your system with these foods can readily identify which foods you need to avoid in your diet.
Herbal support can aid lymphatic drainage as well as tone and heal mucous membranes, while eliminating infection. For this I’ve seen several herbs combined to be extremely effective. Golden Seal, Euphrasia, Golden Rod, and Cayenne can be effective for mucous membrane health. Lymphatic drainage products like Phytolacca and Dandelion Root help reduce the swelling.
The treatment taught me by an old time physician, and used by Dr Bastyr, is one which involves expanding the nasal passage with a balloon treatment. This treatment is coupled with use of either thuja oil or calendula cream topically. Use of a saline solution can also help shrink these membranes, but too frequent use will actually aggravate these tissues and create more problems. This may be beneficial, but without correcting underlying conditions, the problem will return, just like with surgery.