With the percentage of diabetics increasing every year, adding fuel to the fire isn’t the wisest alternative. True, concern over cardiovascular risk is still a major issue in our society today. Diabetes only adds to that risk. At this point, statin therapy only increases this eventual cardiovascular risk.
It’s currently considered proper medical protocol to place diabetic patients on statin drugs. With the facts exposed in this article, diabetic patients would be predisposed to more difficult stabilization of their disease. I’ve found time and again where diabetic patients needed to be on more than one blood sugar medication to maintain what’s considered safe levels .
Elevated cholesterol isn’t the disease, it’s the symptom. Removing the danger label from a bottle of poison doesn’t render the contents harmless any more than synthetically lowering cholesterol levels makes the person healthier.
The processing of fats for healthy metabolism is under the normal function of the liver and gallbladder. When prolonged sugar consumption, either as alcohol or as actual sugar or refined carbohydrates, over time, fatty liver or cirrhosis is the result. This impairs the normal function of the liver, and alters the bile. When this happens, the fat emulsifying action of bile is impaired and eventually reduces the effectiveness of fat utilization, allowing for elevated serum fat levels.
Gallbladder disease is a secondary condition to an overloaded liver. Anyone who’s had a gallbladder removed started with a liver condition. If the liver was never addressed, and the gallbladder removed, the liver condition is still going on. Over time, blood lipids may elevate as well as blood sugar levels.
Our bodies are amazing in how they will attempt to protect against damage. When sugars are elevated, the liver will increase the production of low density lipoproteins, or LDL cholesterol. These act at the fire trucks that help quench the inflammation. Since sugar is a pro-inflammatory substance, the body will make more of these LDL molecules to try and stop the house from burning down.
Anyone who’s taken statin drugs and began to ache all over should be aware of the fact they shut down the fire department. This should be a pretty good indicator of why their cholesterol went up in the first place. Making nutritional changes, getting rid of foods that are causing inflammation should supersede taking a drug that only masks a symptom instead of addressing the underlying problem.
Cleaning up the liver and restoring healthy bile is step two after cleaning up the diet. The presence of a large belly is fact that sugar metabolism is off. The presence of greater amounts of visceral fat is of more concern than elevated blood fats. The abdominal fat pad protects the abdominal contents. In a healthy, normal carbohydrate consuming person, visceral fat is minimal. When the system can’t clear fats, they’re deposited in this area.
Some insurance companies require yearly measurements of the body along with an glycosolated hemoglobin to establish risk of diabetes. This way they can offer lower insurance rates to those with lower risk factors. After the recent studies on statin drugs and their impact on blood sugar, they may eventually want to know about statin usage.
It never ceases to amaze me, hearing the commercials for drugs and their potential side effects. I wonder how many people actually listen to them and still think the risk is worth it. Pursuing natural healing may not be covered by insurance, but it’s the safest insurance.