I’ve enjoyed using a specific nutritional yeast which actually restores the healthy acidity of the bowel, creating an environment which in turn is unfriendly to the damaging candida yeast, allowing good bacteria to thrive. It’s been shown that the yeast used in brewing is rich in B vitamins along with minerals which help stabilize and regulate blood sugars.
When it comes to some of the heavy hitters in the realm of severe disease conditions, we’ve seen where there are medicinal mushrooms which are more potent and without the damaging side effects of pharmaceutical drugs. The research and wisdom of Paul Stamets has propelled the use of medicinal mushrooms to levels far above any previous activity. He is probably the most renowned mycologist in the world and makes his home here in the Pacific Northwest.
He reveals where amyloid plaques seen in Alzheimers disease is created by neurotoxins. Today’s foods are loaded with these neurotoxins. MSG, and Aspartame (Nutra-sweet) are major neurotoxins which over time have the potential of establishing these amyloid plaques in the brain.
Lion’s Mane, an edible mushroom, helps restore the damaged myelin sheath of the nerves. This mushroom shows excellent potential of assisting patients who are suffering with the symptoms of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Obviously, it’s important to stop consuming the toxic elements first. One of my favorite saying is, You can’t rebuild your house in the midst of the hurricane. You must stop the storm if you expect to correct the damage.
Since we see restructuring of the myelin sheath with Lion’s Mane, it should be considered when evaluating any kind of neuropathy. If it’s a diabetic neuropathy, utilizing the Maitake mushroom along with Lion’s Mane can assist in promoting normal blood sugar metabolism. This is just a sample of how mushrooms can be used together to assist in restoring health.
Had I known in the past, the nerve growth factor in Lion’s Mane, I could have assisted tissue repair following the injury I sustained 43 years ago. Nerves regenerate very slowly and I had large areas of numbness over my abdomen for years. The added support of cognitive function would have been welcomed at that time as I was going through medical school, and the studies and levels of learning was very stressful.
When using Lion’s Mane to aid with neuropathy of the extremities, it would be beneficial to add appropriate levels of Vitamins B-3 and D-3 to improve vascular flow to the extremities. Removing obstructions of blood flow with things like soy bean lecithin can improve restoration in these areas.
The mushroom which I use most in my practice and have seen the most dynamic response is the Turkey Tail mushroom. This mushroom has proven itself in assisting the body’s ability to fight and resist cancer. No drug has ever been created that will restrict blood flow feeding tumors. This is something which has been shown to be a property of Turkey Tail mushrooms.
When cancer gets established in the body, it builds a strong and abundant blood supply. If you can starve any cell of blood, it dies. This is what happens to brain cells with a stroke of heart muscle in a heart attack. Blood is required for life in the body, even when that life is the life of a tumor which is trying to take over your body. If we can consume a mushroom which cuts off the life blood to a cancerous tumor, the immune system has a greater opportunity to dominate over cancer.
When it comes to immune support, the most commonly used mushrooms are Reishi (Ganoderma) and Shiitake. These are extremely beneficial, especially when going through radiation or chemotherapy. Besides cancer, any kind of chronic infections or chronic immune deficiency is well addressed with these medicinal supports.
Reishi assists with stress support, cardiovascular support, and aids in balancing out occasional overreaction to environmental triggers. This is extremely important when we’re living in a toxic environment.
With 150,000 species of mushrooms on our planet, the potential of assisting with every kind of health challenge we may face, there are nutritional supports available in the fungal family. Even the regular button mushroom found in your local grocery store has the potential of assisting in healthy prostate support. Selenium is rich in these mushrooms and supports prostate health.