Although health care has been a hot topic in the government, the real issue being discussed isn’t health care but disease management. If we were really focusing on health care, the emphasis wouldn’t be on getting our drugs cheaper, but getting people off these drugs and into a healthy lifestyle.
Years ago I talked about having seen an abundance of the motorized scooters in the park. It’s sad to see how this trend has increased. I consider it a wonderful opportunity for those who otherwise wouldn’t get to enjoy life due to impaired mobility, to actually enjoy what so many others take for granted.
Although I saw those who had injuries riding these contraptions, the majority of riders were just grossly obese. Diet and exercise are important to stay healthy.
I wanted to pull people aside and let them know they’re eating themselves into a coffin. Whenever I saw a large belly, my thoughts went to blood sugar imbalances. The massive number of obese people were predominantly citizens of the United States. Since Disneyland is enjoyed by people from all over the world, it wasn’t hard to pick out those living locally and eating the highly adulterated diets of our western society.
With an abundance of diets and fads that have swept the nation, I’m seeing more and more who’ve begun to take seriously a ketogenic regime. The better they follow a low starch, appropriate healthy fat and protein intake, the better they’re feeling and functioning.
Unfortunately as a nation, we’ve been duped into thinking that eating fat makes us fat. Just the contrary is true. When our diet is high in carbohydrates, fat metabolism gets shut down and the body goes more toward carbohydrate metabolism. When we consume the carbs, our body secretes insulin from the pancreas in order to drive these carbohydrates into the cells, lowering circulating blood sugar. Don’t be deceived, a good diet is critical to health.
When blood sugar is rapidly lowered, cortisol gets over secreted to try and raise blood sugar back up. Not only does this try to stabilize dropping blood sugar, but it lowers the metabolic rate to conserve calories. At this time, the sugar deposited in the cells is converted into fats, which could be burned for fuel, but if the metabolism has been lowered, becomes storage. As this keeps repeating itself, the person puts on more and more fat.
A common site of fat storage due to these shifts in blood sugar is in the area of the abdomen. This is why, when I look at a man who looks nine months pregnant, the thought in my head is grain-belly. This is a prelude to diabetes and potentially Alzheimer’s.
When walking behind women who’s backside was twice the width it should be, not only do I think of how a ketogenic diet could benefit them, but also the role of hormone imbalance. We’re seeing an abundance of estrogen and estrogen mimicking hormones in processed foods. Soy is used in many convenience foods and acts as an estrogen precursor. Elevated estrogen in women tends to increase fat stores in the thighs and buttocks. Many chemicals in our foods have hormone analogs which create more problems with weight gain and potential cancer formation. This is why convenience foods aren’t really convenient.
Because people have associated eating fat and gaining weight, fat has gotten a bad rap. The food industry has exploited this fallacy with low fat, no fat foods. Americans have bought it hook, line, and sinker. It’s made billions for the food industry as well as the pharmaceutical industry due to the illnesses which have manifest since.
Dr Don Colbert has a new book out called the Keto-Zone diet. I trust this doctor and his advice. Before going to an unknown source for information, this is a good place to start. Cutting the bottom off the pyramid is a good move. Leave out the grains, breads, and pastas. To watch and learn, Dr Colbert has been with Kenneth Copeland talking about health and nutrition on KCM.ORG