To defeat this Coronavirus, there are many areas we need to focus on. Besides getting rid of fear, we need to persist on maintaining the healthiest of practices. This includes appropriate hygiene, which shouldn’t have to be reinforced, but is just good practice.
We’re presently where Italy was a while back. We can’t be lackadaisical in our approach to maintaining health in the face of any outbreak. Because the death rate has been greatest in those over 80, it makes sense to protect them from contamination.
Since the Coronavirus is heat sensitive, it should begin it’s decline as summer approaches. With this in mind, treatment and protection from the virus can easily be addressed by the use of saunas and even using hair dryers to heat the air you breathe. Treatment can be as simple as five minutes of breathing hot air from your hair dryer twice a day. The virus dies at 133 degrees. I have a sauna in my house and enjoy breathing hot air into my sinus cavities whenever I might feel the effects of a cold or flu coming on.
People can be infectious before displaying symptoms. How infectious before symptoms are seen is questionable, but the highest level transmission coincides with symptoms. Since 5 days was the median incubation period of SARS-CoV-2, it’s reasonable to consider this to be consistent with this present virus. If you suspect you’ve been exposed, you should not be out in public, the same as with any influenza virus.
Precautions are as with any viral disease. First, Wash your hands! we touch many things throughout our days, and the virus can live anywhere from 5 to 20 hours on surfaces. Typical cleaning products like detergents and alcohol can readily kill them. Maintain adequate hydration. Not letting your sinuses dry out and swallowing water throughout the day can send viral components into the acid in your stomach and be neutralized.
Avoid those elements which rob your immune system. Sugar and other refined foods will increase inflammation and steal much needed calcium from your white blood cells. Soda pop is probably one of the worst abuses which far too many people rely on. This is just inviting disaster.
If you rely on pharmaceuticals, you could be in trouble as many of the companies here go through China for their raw materials. For this reason, evaluate what you have on hand. It’s not so much about the pandemic as it is about being able to obtain what you need when there’s a rush.
There’s no accepted medical treatment for COVID-19. The FDA has not approved any kind of treatment to cure this disease and warns against making claims. No wonder there’s such a sense of hopelessness in our nation. Hospitals give supportive care like IV fluids and oxygen to prolong life while your body fights the disease. The only true way to defeat this virus is what’s been a part of naturopathic medicine for decades. Nutritious food, rest, hydration, and time tested botanical treatments without dangerous side effects. It’s what we do just to stay healthy all the time. An ounce of prevention is truly more profitable than a pound of cure.
What’s not been discussed in the midst of this pandemic is the toll from the 2019-2020 influenza season. From October 1 to February 1, the CDC documented 16,000 deaths from the influenza virus with estimation of possibly 30,000 just in the US. Also documented was 280,000 hospitalizations. Mind you, this isn’t some number passed around the internet, but is from the CDC.
Now lets compare this with the number of deaths in the US as of Monday 3/16/2020. At the time of this writing only 80 dead in the US and globally 7,100. With181,000 people having had it and half of these are already recovered, it takes some of the fear out of this pandemic.
With these figures, why wasn’t influenza proclaimed a pandemic. The CDC reported 61,000 deaths from the flu during the 2017-2018 flu season. Do we ignore this just because there’s vaccines for those viruses? With these kind of numbers, I don’t have much confidence in the vaccines. As for me, I’ll not allow fear to rule my life, and I’ll take good care of my immune system. Please do the same.