If the the heart can be impacted this way, it’s not hard to see the potential of other muscles destroyed throughout the entire system occurring with this kind of treatment. Unfortunately, the athlete usually isn’t aware of what kind of damage is occurring until it’s too late.
Drugs always have to be cleared through the liver. The liver is the energy factory of the body. Over time, if the liver is compromised, vitality, stamina, and endurance are compromised. The quick pick-up gained with these substances isn’t worth the eventual price to be paid.
Recently I was made aware of the nutritional focus of one of the greats in football. Tom Brady of the New England Patriots is considered old in football years, but he continues to perform at the highest level, and even after all these years, without injury.
Tom is totally focused on his nutrition. He refuses to put anything in his system that isn’t good for him. Because of this, he continues to outperform most all other athletes. Tom isn’t alone in his quest for professional excellence, as other athletes share much of the same philosophy. Prior to Tiger Woods entering the picture, many golfers were out of shape, and many addicted to alcohol. This in no longer the case. These professionals realize the longevity of their profession is closely related to how they treat their bodies.
Foods have the potential of increasing stamina while restoring and rebuilding cells which have endured hardship. Proper rest combined with rebuilding nutrients has the potential of maintaining a healthy young body.
Foods which have had the major nutrients removed and toxic chemicals added creates a deficit, while increasing the body’s burden of clearing these toxins from the cellular structure and the liver. Organic, high nutrient foods provide the materials required to replace and restore worn out cells. Without these provided to the tissues, your body has to rebuild cells with poor grade materials. This being the case, aging is accelerated, and potential of injury is increased.
While in Hawaii I slipped on mud while climbing along a waterfall and landed hard on a huge rock. Due to good nutrition, what probably would have been a broken hip and elbow on someone else of my age, instead resulted in a major bruising of these tissues (which clearly revealed the intensity of the trauma). Nutrition for a lifetime makes a huge difference.
To keep these bones strong, good proteins (including raw milk), non-hydrogenated poly unsaturated fatty acids, and an abundance of trace minerals from the vegetable kingdom provides a solid foundation for bone integrity. Refined sugars will actually pull calcium out of the bone structure leaving you more vulnerable to fractures.
Fats from natural sources provide both energy and cell wall rebuilding materials. Hydrogenated fats break down the healthy fats of your body leaving it more vulnerable. If you were to investigate the Weston A Price website, you would see where much of what we are told by the food processors to be bad fat sources are actually what our bodies require.
Carbohydrates can be used for energy, but how they are provided makes all the difference. The roller milling process which is the foundation of all the cereals on the super market shelf robs the elements required for proper combustion of these grains. It’s like burning gas in a diesel engine. It will burn up in no time.
Besides these healthy foods, there are herbs which also support the body and aid in rejuvenation. Korean Ginseng is just one of many herbs which support the integrity of the entire body. Many increase performance while not creating damage, and help with rebuilding.