My last patient has noted headaches which she’s not had previously. Others who’ve had asthma in the past are finding it necessary to use their inhalers more often.
Living in the northwest, close to the ocean has always been a blessing concerning air quality. We rarely have to deal with the kind of air pollution commonly seen in big cities and those with major industries. Thankfully, we don’t see the kind of chronic pulmonary damage seen in some of those locations.
The acute damage is troublesome, but can be dealt with through healthy practices. Because of the size of the particulates in the air, just wearing a mask is insufficient to fully protect us from the smoke in the air.
The National Weather Service reinforces advice that the least expensive dust masks available provide almost no protection from smoke. The microscopic particles in smoke from vegetation fires are so small that they cruise right through a mask that may work fine for filtering out dust from wood fires, but not from vegetation fires. Choose a “particulate respirator” that has the word “NIOSH” and either “N95” or “P100” printed on it.
Besides maintaining the normal moisture of the tissues, the mucous membranes of the trachea and lungs have the major task of trapping pollutants in the mucous they create. After that, the cilia move the particulate laden mucous upward and eventually dump it into the digestive tract for elimination.
By maintaining healthy mucous membranes, their task of preventing systemic damage is your first line of defense against airborne trauma. Keeping them nourished includes the use of specific vitamins. Since cell walls are made up of fats, fat soluble nutrients are required to maintain their health. Vitamin A is critical for the health of these tissues.
Unsaturated fatty acids aren’t only needed to restore and rebuild these cell walls, but are critical for the transport of calcium into the tissues to insure immune function. Cholesterol is a must to keep the water tight integrity of these cells, and protect against foreign invaders.
Naturally occurring vitamin C, not ascorbic acid, provides the foundation for collagen formation. This is the glue which holds our cells together. This is best obtained from fresh fruits and vegetables. The whole food supplement called Cataplex C is high in all the compounds which provide the protective nature of all these vitamin C elements.
There are specific herbs which can assist in the protection of these tissues. These include Goldenseal, Euphrasia, Yerba Santa, Grindelia, Euphorbia, Althea, Polygala and Rumex Crisps. Each of these herbs posses properties which impact mucous membranes and need to be used according to the condition presented. Here is where a skilled herbalist can make proper determination as to which herb to use, and in what proportions.
While the air conditions remain harmful, it’s important to avoid as much exposure as possible. It’s equally important to avoid heavy activity requiring greater levels of respiration. Exercise outdoors should be advised against at this time.
For those who already are compromised with asthma, emphysema, or COPD, an extra measure of caution should be observed.
Since any particulates which enter the system through the lungs, have to travel to the liver for clearance, good liver function is important. Tests with radioactive dust inhaled, showed it’s eventual presence in the liver. Those with compromised liver function are at greater risk when exposed to this kind of pollution. Here is where routine detoxification protocols can be extremely beneficial to help us not be adversely affected by these conditions.
To recap, stay hydrated, avoid unnecessary exposure, maintain good fat consumption, get the vitamin nutrients which are instrumental for healthy mucous membranes, and address any physical challenges you may have. If this means following the advice of a qualified health professional for additional support, we are here to serve.